Did she seriously use the words “respect” and “convoy” in the same sentence? What about the respect Canadian CITIZENS should have been shown by this government during the convoy? They constantly disrespected Canadians every step of the way when the citizens they are supposed to serve protested their measures! Foolish twit!
LOL! Twit! Canada is supposed to be a democracy founded upon the WILL OF THE PEOPLE. Not upon the whims of the Senate or some dictator. Looks like someone forgot that and is getting her nickers in a knot when the people make their voices heard
liberals are delusional. they ‘speak’ out of both sides of their faces. the polls are indicating a new government on the horizon ?and i’m feeling it from folks out there out their. the liberal gravy chain will soon be friendly but it is too late for libs
Did she seriously use the words “respect” and “convoy” in the same sentence? What about the respect Canadian CITIZENS should have been shown by this government during the convoy? They constantly disrespected Canadians every step of the way when the citizens they are supposed to serve protested their measures! Foolish twit!
That's what happens when we are sick of you people taxing us into poverty. You expect us to just sit back and say nothing?
“Respect for Senators”…!? They're cherry picked by the Prime Minister!!!! 🤯😠
I cannot and will not respect those who do not respect our rights.
Just another FIBERALTARD spewing misinformation and lies. Getting pissed we don't follow their DANKTATORSHIP Agenda.
LOL! Twit! Canada is supposed to be a democracy founded upon the WILL OF THE PEOPLE. Not upon the whims of the Senate or some dictator. Looks like someone forgot that and is getting her nickers in a knot when the people make their voices heard
Another quack
Lovely. Tin pot despots projecting.
Must be liberal. Stinking stupid attitude
liberals are delusional. they ‘speak’ out of both sides of their faces. the polls are indicating a new government on the horizon ?and i’m feeling it from folks out there out their. the liberal gravy chain will soon be friendly but it is too late for libs
Tin pot dictatorships don’t allow marches on the seats of power. She’s crazy.
Another Childish Moron opens her mouth and speaks….