This Lieberal rat is deserting the sinking ship. Voters in Ontario should be wary of electing him in any capacity provincially.

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Rumour has it he's coming to Quebec. Has eyes on the Quebec Liberal party leadership.

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Oh that Trudeau stank is not gonna wash off so easily🤔

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Low IQ Red Rats jumping ship.

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Worried about the trip to GITMO with all his other cronies coming soon.

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Do you know if Rodriguez is one of the Traitos working for the Communist Chinese? MP Kusie is in a conflict of interest being on the Board of the Trilateral Commission. She needs to be investigated.

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This person needs to be ‘ejected’ from Canada period!

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i question the timing of this announcement. by rodrigues announcing his immediate resignation does that mean, as an indepedent, he will vote in favour of the carbon tax election?

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MP Kusie is in a conflict of interest being on the Board of the Trilateral Commission. She needs to be investigated.

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another weasel

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He doesn't want to lose his pension. That is why he he is not going along with the non-confidence vote.

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He's been an MP for some time (over 10 years) , so he already has his pension.

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