Justin could have told the WEF, John Hopkins and Bill Gates to go F themselves, he didn't have to let himself be bought or bullied and because he did we now live in a country I don't recognize. So to all the asshole leaders in this failed country, grow a damn set and stop being led around by the balls.

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To admit anything would cause the Party to literally implode. They will not let that go. Egos and Big Toes.

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I’m not sure he has the brains to see where the WEF et al are trying to lead us (or perhaps the heart to care) nor the backbone to resist it if he did.

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He knew exactly what he was doing……he loves the way China is run….his dream was to run Canada under the same rule of law……communism at its finest.

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Spot On!

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Justin is a bilingual moron. He’s not even remotely the one making decisions. Chrystia Freeloader is on the BOARD of the WEF! She’s ALSO our utterly hideous Deputy Slime Sinister AND Finance Minister of CANADASTAN. Justin has never been at the helm! Gerald Butts is heavily complicit as are MANY LIBERALS IN THIS COUNTRY. They are ALL HEATHENS and MALTHUSIAN MARXIST COMMUNIST FREELOADERS!

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Justin may be the JUST the captain, but a captain has a responsibility to their team and he has failed his team. He may be the leader of the Liberal party, but he definitely IS NOT the leader of Canadians.

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Taking a good look at the cabinet he chose will expose what's in the mind of "The Captain".

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Check out Total Disclosure, a site that has too many documentary type videos on what's really going on.

God bless everyone 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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Turbos actions speak loud enough. He is a natural born coward who simps for likes.

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Justin may be just a player as Kyle says BUT he is still participating in the tyranny - he is just as guilty as the WEF, UN, WHO, China, NGOs...etc. He has the opportunity to be a hero here and "out" the whole plan for The Great Reset's plans for enslavement but will he? No. He's a coward and totally unqualified for his current position.

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He will take the federal Liberals to a new low, maybe not as bad as Ontario did but it will take many years for the party to recover from his cowardess and self serving ways.

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Kyle says that anyone using fear to control, profiting or engaged in conflicts of interest regarding this whole scamdemic nightmare should face judgement. Well, his brother Justin is guilty of all of these. Dr. David Martin has outed Justin's criminal involvement - watch: https://tinyurl.com/mpr6s9m3

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I'd listen to this guy if he were running for political office.

Smart smart man. Eloquent. (Cute too. 😉)

We got his dumb older brother.

Thanks Kyle. You got balls and brains. Justin got the vote...

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What an uplifting interview, got better and better! Thanks!

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Kyle Kemper what a well spoken,, knowledgeable guest

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What an excellent interview, he has been thinking about solutions forsure. Very inspirational.

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Amen to this

We all know the egregious evil lies and governing being perpetrated over trudopes reign

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Sad part is….All these deaths of mothers fathers, ,children,babies , grandparents……from the evil doings, the money they used, was OUR MONEY, THE TAX PAYERS DIME. FACT

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Corrupt is corrupt

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Trump President, Kennedy Vice……. 🤔 💭 🤷‍♂️

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No way I’d send this family any money after all this family has stolen. Ask mommy 🙄

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Hitler stance was “ my way or the highway “ as well….look what happened to him.

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Trudeau had a choice. He could build our country by using our natural resources in a much more environmentally sustainable and efficient manner than China. He could have chosen to bring manufacturing home; instead of supporting China’s coal based empire. That alone would have proven us a leader on the world stage. Instead he delights in taxing us to death. He had a choice. And he chose to go down in history as the face who destroyed Canada. He chose an acting career on the world stage, and he, like Singh, forgot who he was supposed to be representing, Canada and its citizens.

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