Clowns to the Left of me, Jokers to the Right...

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

Might have turned out abit different if he knew the questions before hand...just saying

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Rogan has always been a fence sitting ahole. Not a fan.

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Deep Fake?

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Ummm she NEVER GOT TOUGH QUESTIONS….she knew what questions were coming next and was given the options to respond and NEVER fact checked……all FACTS ✅

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He's talking about glitz, polish, theatre. Like boxing. He has a gift for bringing out the best in many interesting people he talks to, but this kind of commentary should be saved for prizefighting, which he knows something about.

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Joe is not wrong here, Trump was on defense the whole time. Did Kamala have questions before hand? Or was it an easy guess what the likely questions would be? But Kamala came off completely scripted (we know what she sounds like unscripted lol) polished & practiced. Her "let's not go back" spiel was exceptional.

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Apparently there's an ABC whistlerblower who said she was given something beforehand (questions/suggestions of questions).

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Wouldn't put anything past the Dems, they're going to pull out all their dirty tricks to try and win this election.

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And, did you hear the one about the speaker earrings she was wearing? There is such a thing, and they look very much like what she was wearing. Teamwork, eh?

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Rogan’s losing it…🤪😨if he truly thinks anything KH says is amazing. Maybe Joe needs a vacation.

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