Watch Canadian experiences ... The NCI (National Citizens Inquiry) was a Canada-wide citizen-led and citizen-funded initiative to investigate the Canadian & provincial governments COVID-19 policies.


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From your link: ---> National Citizens Inquiry - Shawn Bukley

More information about the National Citizens Inquiry is available at their website:


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The government-funded media (aka the propaganda agencies) suppress the NCI hearings.

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That’s why we promote it: https://theylied.ca/nci/

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If someone managed to PVR this it has to be archived and put on Rumble. Forever documenting real people and the pain and suffering caused by mRNA shots.

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Good on Japan.

Meanwhile we're busy making bad comedy sketch dehumanizing truckers on the CBC.

Canada. So brave and progressive. And sciency.

NCI deserves a lot of credit for doing the leg work here. Maybe it will get noticed soon enough.

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Defund the CBC. Shameful that Canadians fund their own brainwashing through this tax-funded propaganda machine.

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I'm not pleased that I'm forced to fund this nonsense.

If they want to piss away their comedy dignity like Colbert, Fallon et al. that's their business.They can do it on their OWN DIME.

Instead, they use my money to insult me. It's obtuse as it is tedious. The CBC is pointless for many Canadians now.

Time to defund and privatize it. Let's see what the market really thinks of it and if it can survive without handouts.

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Lest we forget folks these same Government fools had people jailed for not taking these clot shots and they are still jailing people for protesting peacefully in our streets. Notice however that Hamas and palestinians can get away with rioting in our streets all over Canada without a single peep from ANY FUCKING POLITICIAN.

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We know four people from the Alliston area alone who have suffered catastrophic life altering injuries from having the covid shot, these are all close family friends in great pain every single day.

None of us who are aware of this will ever trust any Government again as long as we live neither will we ever again have any Govt mandated shots.

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Thanks for superimposing that chicken scrabble over the English closed captions!

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