He thinks the vaxxines SAVED millions of lives? 🤦‍♀️

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He's had years to learn the truth.

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23

Trump needs to realize the winning move is to admit he was misled and apologize..

That’s what a bigger man would do. And there is no shame in that. It doesn’t diminish the fact that he helped accomplish an amazing job in launching the reaction to Covid, sadly misinformed that he and so many were. And he could make the correction and save face by convening a panel of doctors and scientists WITHOUT the conflicts of interest we’ve see in Fauci, Collins and the rest of the captured cabal of profiteers. RFKJ would be his huge asset here.

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Wrong answer! Donald, you just blew it. Had some deeply hidden hope that maybe, just maybe, some truth might come out there.

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He said what Pfizer forced him to say.

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RFK has to have a chat with Trump.

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All politicians are c**ts including Trump

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Sharyl is biting her tongue in this 2 min piece. She is well aware of the harms. Did she take him on after this piece ? Seems odd that after joining up with RFK jr. Trump remains so naive. Not good.

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He could of done better.

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He’s a supreme liar, they didn’t save millions of lives, they killed millions of people.

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This psychopath is so full of s*it. Anyone that still has any faith in him is an absolute imbecile. He managed to convince millions of Republicans to "take the shot, it's good, I did." They abided like sheep. No Democrat could ever have convinced millions to willfully poison themselves with a proven bioweapon.

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Trump is delusional on this, he killed hundreds of millions around the world with his failed deadly jabs.

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Warp speed man. So silent about that now. Why? His credibility vanished with that phrase. Google it. "95% efficacious" https://www.defense.gov/Multimedia/Videos/videoid/775859/?dvpTag=warp+speed

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THE ONLY justification for any of that was his conviction that the 16 year plan (Obama followed by Killary) was too far advanced... with ultimate goal in 2030 to: reduce the global population to maximum 1/2 a billion (as writtn IN STONE on Georgia Guide Stones)... round up the remaining few into 15 min cities and keep injecting them with experimental jabs every few days....

Otherwise... the vaccine he WAS promoting was... hydroxychloroquine!....

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His jab was hydroxychloroquine? Then why didn’t he just say so? This just doesn’t cut it.

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Unbelievable he is saying this after all what happened to people, all suffering, deaths. It was a sacrifice! I don't believe he is not aware, but he just praising himself what a saviour he is. It is disgusting to watch...

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He wants the credit for being ahead of the curve as far as the genocide of the goys is concerned, they are competing atm who's the most effective killer of Amalek.

He's talking to his genocidal tribe, not to the profane goyim.

They are monsters and lying snakes, another breed.

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sadly what a turn off!! He needs to confess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Bad bad BAD on DJT. Trump needs to forget about getting “credit” for a failed vaccine — we are way way WAY past anyone getting credit for mass murders and harms and crimes against humanity. Operation Warp Speed (unless somehow it involved Trump somehow getting out millions of SALINE shots instead of the poison) KILLED …and is still harming millions and millions of people. NO MORE CRYPTIC DOUBLESPEAK!!! It is time to end the going nowhere “nothing to see here” interviews and to speak the TRUTH!

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