we are sick of the misinformation of mainstream media. The truth always comes out

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I hear you. More power to substack!

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As it should be. They Lied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at 



With your help, everyone will know ... TheyLied.ca


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Good! It looks good on them and many others that sold their souls. They are not journalists they are story tellers.

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If a business is not sustainable without government funding, it is not a viable business! If you are only funded by one source, of course you will bend & cater to that source. This is why free markets exist, if the CBC actually presented good, unbiased jornalism, they would be able to flourish in a free market. If you are just a talking head for a corrupt government, and don't kid yourself because that is all CBC is, the public will tune out and tune out they have! If employees haven't seen the writing on the wall, that's on them, after all they are part of the problem. If you sold your soul, your morals & integrity for a paycheck, may you rot in hell!

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Exactly! Well put.

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If I open a business that has exclusively Canadian products, but after a while my business does not do well because the product is too often defective, the Canadian government will not use tax payers money to keep me afloat., nor should they. If I can not product and distribute something worthy of public interest and benefit let me fail.

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Perhaps they could return to unbiased, unfiltered "reporting" instead of bwimg purveyors of leftist propaganda and people might return. I for one, will never trust a single news report ever again. Like the old saying goes... fool me once, shame on you....fool me twice, shame on me.

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Yesssss !!

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Everybody is going to hate me for this. I hate the misinformation that the governments and perhaps pharma are forcing on way too many factions of society. Also, I am injured from the one and only pfizer shot. So, I would be saddened if we lost a Canadian television station.

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So sorry that you were injured. I'm not certain I understand your logic about being sadden by the loss of a Canadian Television station. You would rather be fed more lies than lose that lying Canadian television station?

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A lot of people will be out of work across Canada which is depressing. CTV is a Canadian not foreign owned company and has been around for a long time. It won’t be good for the economy. Also, I believe the MSM, doctors maybe even the government is under some kind of control. Pharma funds everything that’s useful to them. All of our healthcare agencies, universities particularly medicine, maybe parts of the judicial system, I don’t know but I do know this is happening worldwide. The press being silent on a potential hot story like lab leak or the danger of these shots seems unbelievable to me. I just feel something is going on.

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Don't forget that when one door closes, another one may open.

Opportunities will open up for objective journalism, such as the one we are currently reading.

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For instance in 2022 Wilmington (I think is his name) of the Toronto Sun came out with that 1/2 page article questioning the shots after 5 doctors died after the 4th shot within 2 weeks of the shots. That was brave. He was on to something. But, nary a word from him about it ever since. I even emailed him with no reply. I don’t know but it appears he was made to shut up about it.

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There are other sources for your consideration , however , I would be researching who funds this station and then you can tell pretty much what the messaging will be . I suspect soon enough , this station will be telling people to get the next best injection that is even better based on their great research (!): whoever owns the media , owns the message . It is a great way , however , to try and understand what might be propaganda with what they are saying. Do you wonder why we are losing some of what was considered main stream stations? So many people have been injured and can't even consider it might have been due to the experimental injection that is still playing out health wise .

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That’s the other thing that baffles me. We have lost trust in our institutions. This is no longer a secret but nobody is addressing it. The CPSO is funded by pharma, I figure that’s the reason for the draconian treatment meted out to doctors who don’t toe the line. I wonder what was in the contracts with pharma. I believe all the propaganda shovelled out is coming from some enitity with an awful lot of power. How can all countries be spewing the same messages? Anti vaxxer, conspiracy theorists etc. follow the science. Everybody is in lockstep. It’s bizarre. I suspect media has been censored too.

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11 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs ago

Vivien, they have all been bought out!! And... money corrupts! For the whole world to be in lock step with messaging, with lock downs, using the exact same words, punishing those who don't agree, yada, yada, you have the right answer: "...coming from some entity with an awful lot of power" and I add .. money! And guess what? "The root of all evil is the love of money!"

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I dropped cable TV 15 years ago and haven't missed it for one second.

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No one would hate you for speaking the truth. You are supported here. Praying for help will help. 🙏🙏

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Remember CTV I’m Frasier Crane and not only am I listening but my viewership keeps rising.

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I wonder why?? Could it be they allowed JT to dictate what they report instead of being impartial. What goes around, comes around.

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Lol 😂👍

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Looks good on the fkrs ...all they do is lie. It's a good sign that ppl are waking up and have no need for their brains to be washed by pharma funded trash. Remember their spin on the convoy? Flat out lies!!!...Good riddance and don't let the door hit you on your Pinocchio noses.

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Tell the truth.

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