We know these injection’s weren’t made for the Virus, the Gain of Function Virus 🦠 was made for the Injection’s …. Now ask yourself why….Much more could be said here but I somehow clicked the wrong thing and lost my other post…so I think most on here know all this anyway.
It just sadden’s and sometimes anger’s me that people still have no idea or are so fearful to ask questions regarding all of this. It especially anger’s me when and if they do ask question’s the LIES that are told in response to their question’s. The answer’s are usually the same that come from Doctor’s…”we just don’t know” diet maybe, lifestyle management” the Climate…..I mean what the heck! Do these Doctor’s not remember ALL the B.C. Doctor’s and other’s around the world, that died Suddenly or died with extremely fast growing Cancer’s that wouldn’t respond to any type of Chemo….Come on!…
People really need to start thinking for themselves and connecting the dots because those who have taken these injection’s, I believe, are in grave danger in the long run because these injection’s have damaged their natural immune system and the more the injection’s one has had the more damage to the immune system. Their own Body’s Cancer Guard Gene has been shut down and some totally destroyed and new Cancer’s or the more rare Cancer’s or people that have Cancer and have been in remission for years are popping up and are on Turbo Speed especially in the younger population that should never get these type’s of cancer. Strange Blood Clots/Stokes/Heart Attack’s/Early Dementia/Unmanageable Glucose Levels and Blood Pressure’s that go up and down like a yo-yo….people just have to wake up and start to investigate for themselves as to why these things are happening and more now after the start of the INJECTION’S….
There is hope and I truly believe there is help out there, one just has to take the time and take the leap and listen. Pay attention to the Dr’s / Specialist’s/ Oncologist’s, for example one I know of is Dr. William Makis and amazing Oncologist…that the Health Authorities are coming against and take their advice. There are so many that have been silenced through all of this it is truly hard to believe this is all happening and it is so shameful….
INCREASE your VIT D…that’s just for starters…..PLEASE PLEASE WAKE UP !
I am vaccine injured. Early, doctors had no awareness of the injuries but have since come around as they’re seeing more injured patients. My family doctor is irate that there has been zero guidance either from health Canada or the CPSO for the injured. A shot never tried on humans before and no implementation of independent data collection looking for signals from the doctors smells of corruption. I think our health agencies throw the questions back to those paragons of virtue when asked tough questions. I sadly believed our government when they spewed a steady stream of safe and effective. Pharma with their overwhelming power and $$ fund the medical journals so independent scientists can’t get their work published. I feel like a caged animal with no means of escape when I see all of the lies and manipulation taking center stage.
I am so very sorry that you are one of the millions that have been injured by these Bio-Weapon’s…..I know many people that believed what our Main Stream Media, News Paper’s, Health Authorities and Gov’t Official’s told everybody on a 24 hour daily basis…..FLCC is a good place to get information and help to know what to do to help yourself if you don’t already know this. I don’t take flu shots or any other shots and they are ‘shot’s’…and haven’t since I was a young girl in the 50’s. I have been taking Quercitin/Zinc/Vit C, D3 and NAC every single day.
So sorry to read this. This should never have happened had they been honest... Please read Dr Bryan Ardis' book "Moving Beyond the Covid Lies" for a new perspective on this bioweapon AND solutions that helped a lot of victims. God bless Vivien.
I’m 63. I am a non-gmo’d human (un-vvaxxed/unjabbed) whole of my life. And watching the insanity unfold around me. Everyone IS sick. Everyone IS getting sicker. Thats the downside of generationally handing over the controls to “the science” TM and going along with the Elites training us to call any life-wisdom “”old wives tales.”” Humanity has been dumbed down and is now a helpless child crying out for mothers wisdom. Oh yeah, there is also that fact that when you allow the Control Group to be removed…….do i need to complete the sentence??? Duh. May the wisdom of Nature be recognized within the hearts of those interested:: self responsibility and self love Equals a greater possibility of happiness and health. Jm2c — blessings 👍😘
Unfortunately Health Canada is doing its best to cut off the natural products from health food stores and other retailers with their new requirements through monitored standards. We'll have to grow our medicinal plants and learn to process them for healing.
identifying something as ‘Toxic’ or ‘unsafe’ and removing it under the guise of “safety & protection” is only further proof of the Use of Language to obfuscate and confuse …. and then assume authority over our personhood.
living in denial of what our eyes & ears provide evidence for is a certain path for more suffering…..
the good thing is we are an aspect of Nature and that wisdom seeks to be heard inspite of all the intentional dumbing down. Xxx blessings
They are redefining their DIN identification on natural products. Of course the it is for our highest good and protection to have this done by a big and brand new crew on it! This will put pressure on Canadian manufacturers. It implies a big investment to skip through the loops of administrative requirements. leading to import difficulties or horrific price increases... I expect companiest go belly up and/or consumers restraining their purchases...
He is right. People are pretending the jab didn’t affect anyone. Truth is it did affect the jabbed. Higher deaths. Higher and expediated cancer. Younger age death rates. And many other diseases , disabilities and sicknesses.
Notice how the Dr. didn't comment on the anchor's insinuation, no one is going to admit it has anything to do with the jibby jabs! Norovirus, although unpleasant, is not a killer virus. Highly contagious and requires a specific sanitization procedure - goes through LTC homes all the time. Always the fear mongering about viruses that have been going around forever.
The doctor (Scott Gottlieb) is corrupt, corrupt, corrupt. A shameless COVID profiteer and on many boards, including Pfizer's. He's scum who gets constant airtime on CNBC. The very last person to admit his own product is anything but safe and effective. I wonder- how many more people need to die before Gottlieb is called out and this gets very ugly on air? Because it will. Clock's ticking.
He is lying to you CNBC….it has been PROVEN to be the mRNA Genetically Modified Gain of Function injections…WAKE UP
We know these injection’s weren’t made for the Virus, the Gain of Function Virus 🦠 was made for the Injection’s …. Now ask yourself why….Much more could be said here but I somehow clicked the wrong thing and lost my other post…so I think most on here know all this anyway.
It just sadden’s and sometimes anger’s me that people still have no idea or are so fearful to ask questions regarding all of this. It especially anger’s me when and if they do ask question’s the LIES that are told in response to their question’s. The answer’s are usually the same that come from Doctor’s…”we just don’t know” diet maybe, lifestyle management” the Climate…..I mean what the heck! Do these Doctor’s not remember ALL the B.C. Doctor’s and other’s around the world, that died Suddenly or died with extremely fast growing Cancer’s that wouldn’t respond to any type of Chemo….Come on!…
People really need to start thinking for themselves and connecting the dots because those who have taken these injection’s, I believe, are in grave danger in the long run because these injection’s have damaged their natural immune system and the more the injection’s one has had the more damage to the immune system. Their own Body’s Cancer Guard Gene has been shut down and some totally destroyed and new Cancer’s or the more rare Cancer’s or people that have Cancer and have been in remission for years are popping up and are on Turbo Speed especially in the younger population that should never get these type’s of cancer. Strange Blood Clots/Stokes/Heart Attack’s/Early Dementia/Unmanageable Glucose Levels and Blood Pressure’s that go up and down like a yo-yo….people just have to wake up and start to investigate for themselves as to why these things are happening and more now after the start of the INJECTION’S….
There is hope and I truly believe there is help out there, one just has to take the time and take the leap and listen. Pay attention to the Dr’s / Specialist’s/ Oncologist’s, for example one I know of is Dr. William Makis and amazing Oncologist…that the Health Authorities are coming against and take their advice. There are so many that have been silenced through all of this it is truly hard to believe this is all happening and it is so shameful….
INCREASE your VIT D…that’s just for starters…..PLEASE PLEASE WAKE UP !
I am vaccine injured. Early, doctors had no awareness of the injuries but have since come around as they’re seeing more injured patients. My family doctor is irate that there has been zero guidance either from health Canada or the CPSO for the injured. A shot never tried on humans before and no implementation of independent data collection looking for signals from the doctors smells of corruption. I think our health agencies throw the questions back to those paragons of virtue when asked tough questions. I sadly believed our government when they spewed a steady stream of safe and effective. Pharma with their overwhelming power and $$ fund the medical journals so independent scientists can’t get their work published. I feel like a caged animal with no means of escape when I see all of the lies and manipulation taking center stage.
I am so very sorry that you are one of the millions that have been injured by these Bio-Weapon’s…..I know many people that believed what our Main Stream Media, News Paper’s, Health Authorities and Gov’t Official’s told everybody on a 24 hour daily basis…..FLCC is a good place to get information and help to know what to do to help yourself if you don’t already know this. I don’t take flu shots or any other shots and they are ‘shot’s’…and haven’t since I was a young girl in the 50’s. I have been taking Quercitin/Zinc/Vit C, D3 and NAC every single day.
So sorry to read this. This should never have happened had they been honest... Please read Dr Bryan Ardis' book "Moving Beyond the Covid Lies" for a new perspective on this bioweapon AND solutions that helped a lot of victims. God bless Vivien.
Thank you for introducing Dr. Bryan Ardis. The more doctor’s who speak out about the corruption the better.
I agree with you 1000% ! Well said.
amazed that a CNBC anchor had the nerve to mention the jabs as a cause... wonder how much longer he's going to be working there...
I’m 63. I am a non-gmo’d human (un-vvaxxed/unjabbed) whole of my life. And watching the insanity unfold around me. Everyone IS sick. Everyone IS getting sicker. Thats the downside of generationally handing over the controls to “the science” TM and going along with the Elites training us to call any life-wisdom “”old wives tales.”” Humanity has been dumbed down and is now a helpless child crying out for mothers wisdom. Oh yeah, there is also that fact that when you allow the Control Group to be removed…….do i need to complete the sentence??? Duh. May the wisdom of Nature be recognized within the hearts of those interested:: self responsibility and self love Equals a greater possibility of happiness and health. Jm2c — blessings 👍😘
Unfortunately Health Canada is doing its best to cut off the natural products from health food stores and other retailers with their new requirements through monitored standards. We'll have to grow our medicinal plants and learn to process them for healing.
very true.
identifying something as ‘Toxic’ or ‘unsafe’ and removing it under the guise of “safety & protection” is only further proof of the Use of Language to obfuscate and confuse …. and then assume authority over our personhood.
living in denial of what our eyes & ears provide evidence for is a certain path for more suffering…..
the good thing is we are an aspect of Nature and that wisdom seeks to be heard inspite of all the intentional dumbing down. Xxx blessings
They are redefining their DIN identification on natural products. Of course the it is for our highest good and protection to have this done by a big and brand new crew on it! This will put pressure on Canadian manufacturers. It implies a big investment to skip through the loops of administrative requirements. leading to import difficulties or horrific price increases... I expect companiest go belly up and/or consumers restraining their purchases...
He is right. People are pretending the jab didn’t affect anyone. Truth is it did affect the jabbed. Higher deaths. Higher and expediated cancer. Younger age death rates. And many other diseases , disabilities and sicknesses.
Notice how the Dr. didn't comment on the anchor's insinuation, no one is going to admit it has anything to do with the jibby jabs! Norovirus, although unpleasant, is not a killer virus. Highly contagious and requires a specific sanitization procedure - goes through LTC homes all the time. Always the fear mongering about viruses that have been going around forever.
There’s no way Gottlieb is going to admit that on National TV.
Lies, lies and more lies.
Check their bank accounts!
Some people are starting to think. It may be too late with the new schmancer jabs.
The doctor (Scott Gottlieb) is corrupt, corrupt, corrupt. A shameless COVID profiteer and on many boards, including Pfizer's. He's scum who gets constant airtime on CNBC. The very last person to admit his own product is anything but safe and effective. I wonder- how many more people need to die before Gottlieb is called out and this gets very ugly on air? Because it will. Clock's ticking.
Oh they know. 💉💉💉💉
We got to wonder how long it takes for him to get fired for asking this taboo question. 🤦
“We don’t know. We don’t understand”. And we’re not interested in figuring this out…
In my circle, I have never experienced so many deaths within a short period of time. Questionable indeed & very concerning. Time will tell…
Hmm....what about the explosion of wireless 5G and SV40 in the shots? Hmm...
When did brain cancer come on the scene? In the 80s, when cell phones were rolled out.
This is called disclosure…it is coming out now because they can’t keep it under wraps anymore…it’s damage control
Viruses are a scam: