If he wants to respond to the needs of Canadians , he should leave the country and never come back after he steps down in shame !!!

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Seems like he is Kamala Harris' word salad speech writer. Did he actually say anything of any substance? There must be a dictionary of "buzzwords" to use as time fillers that impart nothig of substance.

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My word…nothing that comes out his mouth is truth….i guess his ‘stripes’ never change….God Help Canada….

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No matter what happen’s regarding Trudeau, either losing the next election, or stepping down before that, it really doesn’t matter. He is just the First Step in what Globalist’s have planned for Canada. He was just their ‘first’ Young Global Leader’ Puppet. Do not rely on the next one that is ‘voted’ or rather ‘placed’ in because the Globalist’s have already set up their people in the places they need them to be to complete the entire take over of Canada….Unfortunately. Do we still get out and vote, yes we do, do we still stand against these unelected Globalist’s at every possible turn, the answer is a resounding ‘yes’. We stand up for what is right and leave the result’s to God.

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How much did those globalists pay you to say that that? Canadians will fight till the end. We won't allow anyone to take our great nation. Never.

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Now that is a funny remark. Of course we will fight and fight to the death to try and save Canada BUT unfortunately, Canada has already been infiltrated by the W.E.F/U.N and the rest of them….it is not just Canada it is many western nation’s. It is all information that is well known.

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All I hear is bla, bla, bla. Remember who his father was and never forget he admires the Chinese communist system of governing or rather, ruling.

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Never a meaningful sentence. Every word an act.

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The Slime Sinister speaks with forked tongue.

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And of course that stupid smirk he has

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Smiling faces sometimes pretend to be your friend

Smiling faces show no traces of the evil that lurks within

Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes

They don't tell the truth, uh

Smiling faces, smiling faces tell lies, and I got proof

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Trudeau is a WORD SALAD specialist. So severely suffering, whereby such a profound disconnect exists, that it's near impossible for him to have a meaningful conversation with anyone, much less answer any question asked of him - directly.

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Aug 27·edited Aug 28

Firstly, let's be perfectly clear, it's not immigration, it's MASS INVASION. Limiting mass invasion is not enough, it must be halted altogether and the millions that invaded these last 5 years all sent back.

Corrupt politicians sold mass invasion on a foundation of pure lies.

India's number one contribution to the West is mass invasion.

In 1969 Canada was 97% White. Fast forward to 2024 Whites are 62% and falling fast. Within a few short years Whites will be the minority. Cricket will replace hockey as our national sport. New religious holidays will be Diwali and Ramadan. Enjoy your DIEversity!

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Every time he finishes opening his yap he has that same smug smirk. He absolutely hates Canadians, just like his father not his father.

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"buzz buzz buzz, bla bla", but nothing, as per usual, when Castroson is talking.

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I imagine a lot of immigrants cant get jobs because of Canadian businesses prejudice.

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