This serial liar knows nothing about the struggles of Canadians, he's never missed a meal in his life, let alone an opportunity to go to Toffino on our dime. He belongs behind bars. The fact he thinks any of us actually believe a word he says, proves how out of touch with reality he is. INSANE.

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Couldn’t have said it better myself.

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Translation: My puppet masters want me here because I’m their useful idiot and I like power and your money.

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So it ends its spiel with a smirk.

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As always…

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He is as useless as a fart in a windstorm and as goofy as a rubber hammer and he just doesnt get it, having absolutely destroyed Canada along with his bobblehead fools he continues to spout absolute garbage about everything. We have the very worst economy almost worldwide never mind the G7, hundreds of thousands of people from coast to coast to coast living on the streets and starving and he rambles on about how great he is. This guy is nuts lets face it he has lost the plot completely and from day one until now he has never ever answered a question honestly or in a straight forward manner.

Small wonder people get so frustrated that they tell him to FUCKOFF all the time but you may as well bang your head against the wall for all the good it does. That asshole now goes everywhere with a complement of sucurity guards that would put the whitehouse presidential security service to shame and I would encourage him to keep doing that if he wants to stay on top of the grass. Most people I am sure are like me and would never wish anyone to be killed heaven forbid but that guy needs to watch his back.

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Such a Fool

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His prescript answers are all the same: "we are working for all working Canadians, day care dental care etc. Well what about Bill C63, out of control immigration leading to homelessness, government over reach during the pandemic, closing down bank accounts, on going surveillance, involvement in the WEF and WHO etc

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In the last general election (September 20, 2021) 5,556,629 people out of a total 27,509,496 eligible Canadian voters opted for the red party, or about 1 in 5 Canadians. I sense that number would be way less today...... But this smug egomaniac continues to rule as if he had a majority.

PS. I used the term "red party" as there is almost nothing "liberal" about the "Liberal" party.

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This idiots ego won't let him step down we need to remove him. All he spews is lies, hatred, division and garbage

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One of the biggest black marks on Canadian history, in the future, is that people didn't wake up to this second Trudeau monster during the horribly unprecedented vaxx-mandate election in late 2021; only 1½ years later, in 2023, did the mass criticism start coming out fast & furious. Canadians, Easterners more accurately, I'm sure will disappoint again in 2025, especially them thinking that career-politician, pro-Multiculturalism Pierre Poilievre is their saviour.

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I'm a narcissist and I don't care what anybody who disagrees thinks.

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BS you are so full of lies, you never fix ANYTHING! All talk and no action for us anyway. For you that is all you are interested in. We want you gone. You are lying because your lips are moving. And you answer for why you are staying is a big BULL SHIT. I think you are waiting for the next plandemic so you can lock us down again, guess what, fool us once.........

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looking at our current crop of political leaders in all parties I am left with the question out of 40 million people are they the best we have

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Total BS as far as I’m concerned! He is devastating to this country!

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C’mon Jagmeet, it’s time to pull your supply and confidence agreement after the railway employees were ordered back to work.

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Unfortunately the House is not scheduled to sit again until Sept 16, until then Trudeau will be allowed to do as much damage as he wants, Hopefully aq confidence vore will be scheduled for the first day.Unfortunately when I look at the other parties and within his own fiefdom can't say I see anyone that gives confidence they will do anything other than race faster to reach the bottom

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Can we arrange a swap with France for Durov ceo of Telegram

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