Where is all the money for all your "programs" coming from?

Maybe stop taxing us to death and we can afford to feed our own children and pay our own dental care.

We don't need to be dependent on the government for these things. We do not want to be governed by you.

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Yeah! “The plan is to steal your hard earned money through a multitude of taxing schemes and magnanimously give a small portion back to you plebes as an attempt to buy the useful idiots votes! Next question!!! “

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100 % I agree with you! He wants the people to become dependent on the government so they can control us.

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Lol, so no plan then hey Trudeau? Just keep pushing the dental care, 2 drug healthcare plan and school food program. No plan on housing, no plan on economic growth, no plan for escalating crime, no plan for rampant drug addiction, I could keep.going, but I think you get the picture!

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Can’t wait until Pierre Polievre takes him down easily at the next polls!!

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I think he is waiting for the Plandemic Plan to be voted in in Parliament. Then he can create an emergency and lock us down and force vax us. The WHO and the Canadian plan are the same. The WHO plan will be implemented in 2 WEEKS PEOPLE. The Canadian one is still to be read in Senate for the 3rd reading to pass. THEY ARE BOTH TYRANICAL AND SATANIC.

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Ugh, there it is. That smug grimace at the end of his statement. His calling card that he has told a whopper lie.

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Weak man.

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Something is up with him, I have a funny feeling. I'm pretty sure he is scheming something up to make our lives worse before getting voted out.

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Lots of dentists don't like the plan. JT too little toooooooooooo late. You talk about nothing important. The real important issues nobody talks about. Like you poisoning everyone. Pharma knew the shots were bad and YOU pushed them on us anyway.....oh yea and you think people will vote you back in?? When PIGS fly!

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He should shut being a whiny bi*** and stick to the program without down playing someone who hasn't been the worse PM in Canadian history .

Invest in Canadians ?? That's a new approach for the worse PM in Canadian history , talk about desperate measures for desperate times !

This government knows no boundary when spending money this country does not have !

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Lier, you tell the Entire English speaking people one thing! and then you turn around and say Something Completely Different for what you’re going to do with the French people

Lies, lies!!!!

I CAN’T WAIT FOR YOUR butt to be Removed from Office.

You’re just like your Father Fidel Castro JR, the Apple doesn’t fall far from the Tree Eh!

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Translation: Everyone will die without Justin Trudeau!

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