Yet again, dodging the question. Leave office, now!

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He and Kamala have that in common.

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Exactly what I was thinking.

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Liar liar pants on fire 🔥 JT. WEF puppet. Canadian hater. Useless twit. Should be arrested for racketeering re Covid jabs. Endless corruption in government, not enough room here to speak of all your failures are

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Type it in anywhere:

< liar. com > .......


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After almost 10 years of continuing decline thanks to your “investments” in Canadians it is amazing that there are still people out there who can’t, or won’t see through you lies,

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No truer words ever spoken!!! I’m constantly amazed at the sheer stupidity of the useful idiots that vote for this man or his party?!?!

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Won’t being the key word!!

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Here we go again, smirk on his face and same scripted answers: We are here to support families ...blah, blah.. always the same answer.🙄

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Ha, Ha, Ha!! Learn to leave humbly, not like the whimpering baby you are!

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It's always about democracy with Trudeau isn't it? Which, for all intents and purposes it should be. But, it's only his idea of democracy that you are allowed to agree with! Otherwise, ya know, it's hate speech.

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He’s drinking the same koolaid as Kamala Harris 🥴😱😜

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Lying sack of shit

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It's been about 9 years of "difficult moments" so far. When does he think that Canadians can expect better times?

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PATHETIC LITTLE MAN. I hope Justin Trudeau is not on the verge of a breakdown. HIS EGO MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO ACCEPT CANADIANS MIGHT NOT WANT HIM ANYMORE. It seems that's the case. He got in using his father's name, he went WILD - GASLIGHTING CANADIANS at WARP SPEED, he finally got caught (even the absolute best liar can't go on forever...lol,) and now it seems his PHONY PM POSITION ABILITY has kidnapped even his own psychii, ...meaning he might not appear to be accepting that Canadians are through with his BS. HIS ADOLESCENT ISSUES might be resurfacing - possibly causing him EXTREME DISTRESS, land might even eventually be exposed for the world to see, unless someone talks some SENSE into him and helps him save himself from further embarrassment and shame, - by him finally realizing that "GOD DID NOT BIRTH HIM ON DEC 25TH - SO HE COULD SAVE THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD".... from suffering.

BUT: It's actually HIM whose causing Canadians so much irreparable harm, distress and desperation!!!

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JT makes me 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 he lies like a rug

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If this clown never answers a question; why bother having even government funded msm?! Bycott Mr Fancy Socks

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And that's exactly why Justin has to go.

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Welcome to 2020. It only took 4.5 years for the imbecile to realize Castro is the most hated person in all of Canada.

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Canadian Conservative Official Leader Of The Opposition Pierre Poilievere said he would remove all WEF Young Global Leaders (YGL) who graduated Marxist indoctrination with WEF Klaus Schwab from his shadow Government. He Lied. Right from the horse's mouth.


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