Ha ha ha …. Right! Justin, You have never put Canadians first. You say it now after 10 years, but actions speak louder than words. And, your record speaks for itself. So much corruption and scandal as we’ve never seen in Canadian politics.

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Actually Trudeau did a good job for his masters and the WEF and read his script well. Sadly don't expect any of the current party leaders of any party to be anything but worse once they sit in the big chair - they are all lackeys of the deepstate. With apologies to real chimpanzees at the ballot box this year your choice will be Chimp A, B or C the same as it has been for many previous elections,

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This man doesn’t have an honest bone is his body.

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Sure he does Claus Schwab is in tight BEHIND him honestly.

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Dear Justin, not sorry that you're sad at all. Don't let the door hit your sorry ass on the way out and never ahow your face in Canada ever again.

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he’s FIRED!!!

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Lolololol. EXCEPT when you sent hate speech out upon the unvaccinated and those that attended the TRUCKERS PROTEST, because you wouldn’t converse with Canadians. We all remember those speeches!!!!!!! And the unnamed graves where you stood bye and watched how many churches burn. Yer full of shit TRUDEAU!!!! And all your cronies nodding in the background.

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Unnamed graves …. =. NO graves!!!

And never once did he utter any sympathetic words or talks of investigations for all the churches that burned.

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Notice what he said.

"in the last days of this government"

THIS is a confirmation of the coming election.

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I noticed that as well… 🤞 🙏 hoping so.

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he needs some rehabilitation from his communist views!!!

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A rope would do Sophia

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I agree!!

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Calling that crying is a bit of a stretch

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he is on the verge of crying he is a sucky baby

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How long ago were you in kindergarten?

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How long were you !!! sounds like you have had more experience goofball

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Perhaps whimpering, would be the correct term.

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This is not a leader!!

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It’s a slithering despotic terrorising meat puppet that was configured, and is now owned and operated by the WEF/WHO/pHarmaceutical Cabal.

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He is a product of empty Godless soul.

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Trudeau has Canadians backs' alright. He keeps stabbing us in the back. His deeply dishonest, even to himself.

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exactly this is a joke he NEVER put Canadians first especially with the housing and food costs meant to harm Canadians!!

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/drops cigarette from lips.

Except Canadians you disagreed with, right Justin?

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That is too funny I suspect either hay fever or crocodile tears, what an actor!

Give us the money back you lying thieving hound.

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don't forget Trudeau's education and training is in acting

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It's always sniffing freshly sliced raw Spanish onions.

Tears for its smears.

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Bahahaha bahahaha. You are such a pussy lol

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He would not know what it means to put Canadians first if it bitnhim in the fanny.

Name calling, is not putting Canadians first.

Huge Carbon Tax is not putting Canadians first.

Picking a fight with our largest trade partner os not putting Canadians first.

Trampling on the Charter of Rights and Freedoms when it comes to peaceful protests and medical interventions is notnputting Canadians first.

This PM puts himself first, and his WEF handlers.

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A man without honor or dignity or soul . Truly delusional

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Put Canadians first and call an election. Put Canadians first by admitting your failures and ethics violations. Put Canadians first and apologize for the vax mandates and Emergencies Act declaration!

I hope he has to live in exile because he can't find any safe space from criticism and verbal abuse in Canada when he is out of public office.

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Sadly, after having held 45 elections, things only got worse with each.

Interestingly, Canadians are the only ones who think doing the same thing over and over will get you better results ...

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So true

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You've got a good point. I'd suggest voting for peace and freedom if it was on the ballot.

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