Why are we trying to attract immigrants when we have homeless encampments in virtually every urban area in the country?

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We are no longer a country called Canada, since 1992, thanks to Harper, we've become a UN run by WEF country under imperial colonialism...

Our very Deputy PM shown in video above, is a Trustee in the WEF - if that doesn't say why I don't know what else does! So do you see any conflict of interests in her post(s)...

"In this short Canadian Patriot interview, Mike Holmes delivers an update on his and his family’s growth during Covid and the fight led by patriots in Alberta who have created a resistance movement against the Davos fascist program promoted by technocrats in Ottawa. Mike described the nature of the recent Annual General Assembly of the United Conservative Party as the largest AGM in Canadian history, what policies were fought for, why Alberta is the only province currently carrying out a successful fight against the Great Reset agenda and what lessons Canadians outside of Alberta should take from this fight."


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Agree, it’s all a set-up.

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Here's an idea. Build affordable homes for the Canadians in tent cities and let the immigrants have their tents.

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Ticky Tacky Houses - Pete Seger must've had a vision! https://youtu.be/XUwUp-D_VV0?si=sw3lrTQ1WO9mi4SW

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#Freezeland needs to open her home up to the immigrants as a test project

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Odd how the same government that is so concerned about climate change is seemingly unconcerned about the environmental impact of building millions of new homes.

New dwellings require a ton of resources, and they often end up draining aquifers. There was a report about 9 years ago on the fragility of the water supply in the Kitchener-Waterloo area.

Many of these people are leaving countries that are significantly warmer. To accommodate them we need to use massive amounts of timber, concrete (etc) to build both the dwellings and the infrastructure systems to support them. The environmentally sustainable option is to have these people remain at home.

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Time.to.remove these people before they totally destroy.whats left . Time to.look.after Canada , not the WEF nazis

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