Cambridge, Ontario Mayor cuts off woman's mic, summons security to remove her for expressing safety concerns about a universal gender-neutral change-room and bathroom being designed for a new recreation facility in the city.
No she hasn't. She knows damn well she isn't working for the people who elected her.
Just look at Guelph for a great example of that. They're implementing, step by step, the entire WEF agenda. The voters certainly didn't elect them for that, either.
The communities in Ontario seem like they are being attacked by an insidious cancer and I agree it is WEF generated through Canadian legacy media. Communities must take back their education boards, and city councils. It's disgusting! DEI Diversity Equity and Inclusion is a mask for authoritarians.
This "Mayor" does not represent everyone in the community. She clearly represents those that have the same twisted ideology that is being shoved down everyone's throat topped with the censorship that is being forced on everyone. People, especially parents, should be really loud about this and not back down.
Wow. The attitude from Mayor Janice Liggett seemed to change instantly, with a rather nasty edge. I'm not sure Mayor Janice Liggett listened to or understood the points being made.
This didn't happen overnight. It's called "the long march through the institutions" for a reason. They've been putting these people in place, especially at the local level, for a very long time.
If by "they" you mean the ruling capitalist class, I agree. The 13 bloodline families have always ruled mankind, and behind them are families we've never heard of.
My suggestion is. These bureaucrats decide on the lives of others while they are in office. After work, there is a time when they are very much "available", they live among us. These people think they are allowed to behave as they do for 8 hours a day and then enjoy a beer on their successful working day. I see it a little differently
Reconstructing changerooms in public pools exactly like this is happening rapidly all across Onterrible/Ontario. The new-format “universal” changerooms are absolutely ridiculous and they are deliberately against normal changerooms that we've all experienced for countless generations, which are wide open & inherently safe. I've been in a new universal changeroom and they're absolutely designed for anyone to look over/under any door; furthermore, what is really mind-blowing, they fly in the face of longstanding, basic-hygiene bylaws that require one to have a proper shower before entering the pool but you cannot remove your clothing to have a shower in a universal space that bans nudity. I lament that the “family changeroom” has been twisted to become the “universal changeroom”.
Where is society going…??
It's hard to imagine, now, the past YMCA standards that required nudity—in the pool!
P.S. No offence to all women but it looks like there's too many women on that council (and thus it's not “inclusive”).
Good question. Is this phantasmagoria occurring naturally as the current civilization slides into decadence? Could be. I've heard a historian say on the other day that civilizations end when their raison d'etre, values, purpose get inverted from what they originally were. This can be observed all over the place now. And to give the perpetrators the benefit of the doubt, they might even have 'good' intentions, the draconian stuff that happened with covid being a case in point.
Or is this utter crap stoked intentionally, ultimately to provoke a response from people when the last drop breaks the camel's back and they set out to clean the Augean stable? In response to which, the government employs force and really put people on a short leash?
Could be, couldn't it. The world will go through a major transition in the forthcoming decades as fossil fuels dwindle and the industrial age comes to its end. Needless to say, people won't like it; we've become accustomed to the luxuries of the past hundred, or few hundred, years. But if it's so, if they're shutting people up through the most imbecilic issues like this, it's a particularly stupid strategy. They should, on the contrary, activate people to come up with solutions.
Anyway, the conclusion sadly must be drawn that nothing good can be expected from the political class, that they're a bunch of fecking morons, absolutely useless. People have to look within for solutions, take matters into their own hands.
Just because the mayor doesn’t have those concerns doesn’t mean the citizens can’t or don’t have concerns and need those concerns addressed….if I lived there I would be concerned why my mayor has no concerns.
This Mayor had forgotten who she works for!!!!
No she hasn't. She knows damn well she isn't working for the people who elected her.
Just look at Guelph for a great example of that. They're implementing, step by step, the entire WEF agenda. The voters certainly didn't elect them for that, either.
We have to stress these people out every day, maybe that will bring them to their senses (Raison) in the end
You are absolutely right!
The communities in Ontario seem like they are being attacked by an insidious cancer and I agree it is WEF generated through Canadian legacy media. Communities must take back their education boards, and city councils. It's disgusting! DEI Diversity Equity and Inclusion is a mask for authoritarians.
Dictator wanna-be...
This is atrocious. No longer can you sends your kids to school or the sport centre...
No, "they" have to back down as they are 100% wrong. Don't cave to absolute trash being put forward as legitimate. Remove the insurgents.
This "Mayor" does not represent everyone in the community. She clearly represents those that have the same twisted ideology that is being shoved down everyone's throat topped with the censorship that is being forced on everyone. People, especially parents, should be really loud about this and not back down.
Wow. The attitude from Mayor Janice Liggett seemed to change instantly, with a rather nasty edge. I'm not sure Mayor Janice Liggett listened to or understood the points being made.
Maybe the mayor is part of the problem…check her bank accounts….offshore accounts as well.
If so, the Mayor is very dedicated to her job. Remind me, please - what is her job?
To NOT side with the mentally challenged people that want everyone else to be like them.
RC - remote control, bizarr to be honest ...
Another bought off Mayor? I think so!! Wonder how much funding came from Children's Investment Fund Foundation?
This didn't happen overnight. It's called "the long march through the institutions" for a reason. They've been putting these people in place, especially at the local level, for a very long time.
Precisely the same we face in germany, it´s a very long run starting vom 1968 ....
If by "they" you mean the ruling capitalist class, I agree. The 13 bloodline families have always ruled mankind, and behind them are families we've never heard of.
Write to the Municipality complaining for the Major's abuse of authority:
I just did it:
to servicecambridge
Disturbing to see such a dictatorial behaviour from a Major in office, in our ever degrading Canada:
Nobody should be treated as Mrs. Janice Fiaschetti as the issues she was presenting are legitimate and of a big concern to most of Canadians.
For full details, read the email trail below.
This is outrageous But the big question is: what can we do about all this?
A Canadian Grandmother
My suggestion is. These bureaucrats decide on the lives of others while they are in office. After work, there is a time when they are very much "available", they live among us. These people think they are allowed to behave as they do for 8 hours a day and then enjoy a beer on their successful working day. I see it a little differently
Hard to imagine that I defected to Canada as a kid from Second World totalitarianism. The tables have turned ...
It's an all-ages nudist beach scenario - with secret rooms. What can go wrong?
The Mayor thinks to be Hitler to call security and to remove people...Mayor must be arrested
Well this is crazy. Parents simply will not let their children use the area, many women will likely not utilize it either, making it a men's area.
Reconstructing changerooms in public pools exactly like this is happening rapidly all across Onterrible/Ontario. The new-format “universal” changerooms are absolutely ridiculous and they are deliberately against normal changerooms that we've all experienced for countless generations, which are wide open & inherently safe. I've been in a new universal changeroom and they're absolutely designed for anyone to look over/under any door; furthermore, what is really mind-blowing, they fly in the face of longstanding, basic-hygiene bylaws that require one to have a proper shower before entering the pool but you cannot remove your clothing to have a shower in a universal space that bans nudity. I lament that the “family changeroom” has been twisted to become the “universal changeroom”.
Where is society going…??
It's hard to imagine, now, the past YMCA standards that required nudity—in the pool!
P.S. No offence to all women but it looks like there's too many women on that council (and thus it's not “inclusive”).
"Where is society going?"
Good question. Is this phantasmagoria occurring naturally as the current civilization slides into decadence? Could be. I've heard a historian say on the other day that civilizations end when their raison d'etre, values, purpose get inverted from what they originally were. This can be observed all over the place now. And to give the perpetrators the benefit of the doubt, they might even have 'good' intentions, the draconian stuff that happened with covid being a case in point.
Or is this utter crap stoked intentionally, ultimately to provoke a response from people when the last drop breaks the camel's back and they set out to clean the Augean stable? In response to which, the government employs force and really put people on a short leash?
Could be, couldn't it. The world will go through a major transition in the forthcoming decades as fossil fuels dwindle and the industrial age comes to its end. Needless to say, people won't like it; we've become accustomed to the luxuries of the past hundred, or few hundred, years. But if it's so, if they're shutting people up through the most imbecilic issues like this, it's a particularly stupid strategy. They should, on the contrary, activate people to come up with solutions.
Anyway, the conclusion sadly must be drawn that nothing good can be expected from the political class, that they're a bunch of fecking morons, absolutely useless. People have to look within for solutions, take matters into their own hands.
Just because the mayor doesn’t have those concerns doesn’t mean the citizens can’t or don’t have concerns and need those concerns addressed….if I lived there I would be concerned why my mayor has no concerns.
Mayor works for us! She must be fired!