The first step to freedom… capitulating with unjust mandates designed to take away your freedoms. The mental gymnastics. I wouldn’t wish anyone ill, but I do not feel bad for anyone that pushed these on anyone else and has reaped the consequences of their stunted decisions.
This is hard to watch. So many people just believing nonsense. "relieved to get my life back"? Not any more. It is hard to feel bad for these people who just didn't wait it out to see the obvious.
Among the most poisonous, anti-human, anti-science propaganda slogans used by nefarious behavioural scientists and public officials was "Masks are liberty" and that vaccines were the only path to "restoring" rights stolen from people.
It's too obtuse and stupid to contemplate. It's further unbelievable that people bought it. They still take their GOD given rights for granted handing off non-negotiable rights to the 'experts' in the science/medicine field as well as opportunistic politicians. Amazing what a little fear to whip up a moral panic can do.
Imagine living in a time now where vaccines are seen as the only way to regain civil liberties. Think about how bad this is.
We know four people personally that have touched our lives whose lives have been totally ruined by this vaccine, all young lives ruined forever and yet still we hear people denying this jab was pure evil.
Hi, Peter…very sorry about the young people in your life. But there are real health solutions for detoxing from the nMRA gene therapy (covid). Definitely Not a one-day solution..
If you register for this post-covid docuseries which begins tonight, you just might be inspired. I've watched a couple of Johnathan Otto's health docuseries. And I truly loved the honesty from several doctors that will also be interviewed here. And maybe your young friends might also want to listen (a 12-day free event with 24 hours viewing time for each episode). The title cancer decoded might seemed un-related to the covid vaccine but that is not case. It's related. With Faith and Hope - Monique
BEFORE THE JAB: "When the confirmation came through that I would finally be getting the vaccine, I was really relieved. I'm just... I don't know"
AFTER THE JAB: " I feel like I can leave the house again safely. Go do the grocery shopping, which is exciting. But yeah, I'm really... This feels like the first step to freedom. The process is painless"
Another one bites the dust... Like this: About 30 million Russians continued to praise Stalin after his death. It's as though they wake up in the morning with a blindfold over their eyes and shackles on their hands and feet and all they have to say is "Thank Stalin I'm alive"...
Well.. he did stop (and purged good chunk) these criminal Bolshevic joos from totally enslaving and exterminating all these (30 million) Russians.. didn't he?
So much for empathy and compassion. It’s interesting that some think they are so much smarter than the millions of people who trusted their governments to make good decisions with limited knowledge, experience and lack of resources to base good or bad decisions on. Most adults had some memory of prior epidemics like smallpox, to base a higher level of fear and anxiety regarding what was possibly the next big crisis. It doesn’t make them idiots or dumb, just Canadians forced to make decisions based on limited knowledge and understanding.
As much as it is a relief that people are finally understanding/admitting/grudgingly acknowledging the horrors of what they promoted and subjected others to, this brings me no satisfaction. It feels like schadenfreude at the expense of someone who is going through a scary, life threatening situation. We knew better and were vilified as heartless, lacking compassion and extremists because we didn't want to get the shot when it was in clinical trial and used a mechanism of action never before used in humans. Now that those who hated us are starting to come around, let's be the bigger people and show them the grace they denied us. Let's show them what compassion looks like and take them by the hand and show them the way forward.
This isn't about becoming a better person for persecuted non believers. Instead, think about how many people these stupid monsters in the MSM influenced to not think for themselves, and take the jab. How big is that figure? 100's 1000's 100,000's ? Millions?
Lives ruined, cut short, destroyed. The vast majority of which will never rise to the level of public awareness. Reckless irresponsibility doesn't even begin to describe their actions and belief paradigms. The only atoning for their sins is to turn to the very body public they misled/deceived, and confess their sins. To Them. Not us.
When their 'trusted' MSM damaged goods individuals start telling the truth to the body public that will signal a change in the status quo, and the monsters who orchestrated this carnage may be revealed and held to account.
Ok, your response is to gleefully read about this person or that dropping dead, joyous at the retribution because of how they behaved. That's not much better than their behaviour. It still reflects hive mentality. Yes, what they did was and continues to be horrendous and homicidal. Innocent people died because of it. More will continue to die because of their behaviour. They're not going to stop because some people take pleasure when one of them gets their comeuppance. All they see is "the enemy" taking pleasure in their suffering. We need to build unity. We need to get back to a place where hearing differing viewpoints respectfully was a given. We need to be able to dig deeper and explore narratives which don't ring true but sell like hotcakes, so that needless deaths are prevented. Control needs to be restored to the people. That doesn't happen when we're all divided. The bigoted brats had their hedonistic, massively destructive tantrum. Now, the grownups need to make it safe for them to admit their errors and be part of developing a better way forward. Nothing changes when the responses remain the same.
The first step to freedom… capitulating with unjust mandates designed to take away your freedoms. The mental gymnastics. I wouldn’t wish anyone ill, but I do not feel bad for anyone that pushed these on anyone else and has reaped the consequences of their stunted decisions.
I hear you. But I'd still rather blame the monsters who manipulated them into taking a vaccine - their own private doctor, nurse, employer, etc.
Any celebrity or member of MSM pushing the jabs is in that cohort of monsters, imho.
This is hard to watch. So many people just believing nonsense. "relieved to get my life back"? Not any more. It is hard to feel bad for these people who just didn't wait it out to see the obvious.
Among the most poisonous, anti-human, anti-science propaganda slogans used by nefarious behavioural scientists and public officials was "Masks are liberty" and that vaccines were the only path to "restoring" rights stolen from people.
It's too obtuse and stupid to contemplate. It's further unbelievable that people bought it. They still take their GOD given rights for granted handing off non-negotiable rights to the 'experts' in the science/medicine field as well as opportunistic politicians. Amazing what a little fear to whip up a moral panic can do.
Imagine living in a time now where vaccines are seen as the only way to regain civil liberties. Think about how bad this is.
We know four people personally that have touched our lives whose lives have been totally ruined by this vaccine, all young lives ruined forever and yet still we hear people denying this jab was pure evil.
Hi, Peter…very sorry about the young people in your life. But there are real health solutions for detoxing from the nMRA gene therapy (covid). Definitely Not a one-day solution..
If you register for this post-covid docuseries which begins tonight, you just might be inspired. I've watched a couple of Johnathan Otto's health docuseries. And I truly loved the honesty from several doctors that will also be interviewed here. And maybe your young friends might also want to listen (a 12-day free event with 24 hours viewing time for each episode). The title cancer decoded might seemed un-related to the covid vaccine but that is not case. It's related. With Faith and Hope - Monique
Too dumb to even THINK it MAY have something to do with the JABS….. keep jabbing… will help cull the idiots out of the herd.
Read the short transcript. It may change your mind.
Once you awaken….There isn’t anymore sleep.
BEFORE THE JAB: "When the confirmation came through that I would finally be getting the vaccine, I was really relieved. I'm just... I don't know"
AFTER THE JAB: " I feel like I can leave the house again safely. Go do the grocery shopping, which is exciting. But yeah, I'm really... This feels like the first step to freedom. The process is painless"
Come into my web said the spider to the fly...
After the Fake Vax, she's immortal! I'm so relieved that I chose to avoid making my system vulnerable in that way!
That shot that you refuse to receive, will be the shot that doesn’t kill you, or even harm you.
Another Red Rat Covidian goes bye bye. Amazing to see murders in real time though, with people smiling all the way through. Weird world.
Another one bites the dust... Like this: About 30 million Russians continued to praise Stalin after his death. It's as though they wake up in the morning with a blindfold over their eyes and shackles on their hands and feet and all they have to say is "Thank Stalin I'm alive"...
Well.. he did stop (and purged good chunk) these criminal Bolshevic joos from totally enslaving and exterminating all these (30 million) Russians.. didn't he?
So much for empathy and compassion. It’s interesting that some think they are so much smarter than the millions of people who trusted their governments to make good decisions with limited knowledge, experience and lack of resources to base good or bad decisions on. Most adults had some memory of prior epidemics like smallpox, to base a higher level of fear and anxiety regarding what was possibly the next big crisis. It doesn’t make them idiots or dumb, just Canadians forced to make decisions based on limited knowledge and understanding.
No sympathy from me!
Not a shock to us…! 🤦♀️
As much as it is a relief that people are finally understanding/admitting/grudgingly acknowledging the horrors of what they promoted and subjected others to, this brings me no satisfaction. It feels like schadenfreude at the expense of someone who is going through a scary, life threatening situation. We knew better and were vilified as heartless, lacking compassion and extremists because we didn't want to get the shot when it was in clinical trial and used a mechanism of action never before used in humans. Now that those who hated us are starting to come around, let's be the bigger people and show them the grace they denied us. Let's show them what compassion looks like and take them by the hand and show them the way forward.
This isn't about becoming a better person for persecuted non believers. Instead, think about how many people these stupid monsters in the MSM influenced to not think for themselves, and take the jab. How big is that figure? 100's 1000's 100,000's ? Millions?
Lives ruined, cut short, destroyed. The vast majority of which will never rise to the level of public awareness. Reckless irresponsibility doesn't even begin to describe their actions and belief paradigms. The only atoning for their sins is to turn to the very body public they misled/deceived, and confess their sins. To Them. Not us.
When their 'trusted' MSM damaged goods individuals start telling the truth to the body public that will signal a change in the status quo, and the monsters who orchestrated this carnage may be revealed and held to account.
Ok, your response is to gleefully read about this person or that dropping dead, joyous at the retribution because of how they behaved. That's not much better than their behaviour. It still reflects hive mentality. Yes, what they did was and continues to be horrendous and homicidal. Innocent people died because of it. More will continue to die because of their behaviour. They're not going to stop because some people take pleasure when one of them gets their comeuppance. All they see is "the enemy" taking pleasure in their suffering. We need to build unity. We need to get back to a place where hearing differing viewpoints respectfully was a given. We need to be able to dig deeper and explore narratives which don't ring true but sell like hotcakes, so that needless deaths are prevented. Control needs to be restored to the people. That doesn't happen when we're all divided. The bigoted brats had their hedonistic, massively destructive tantrum. Now, the grownups need to make it safe for them to admit their errors and be part of developing a better way forward. Nothing changes when the responses remain the same.
I wonder what happened?
Many famous influencers are having health issues!
What will happen when the majority finally wake up and understand that everything was planned?
There is no virus!
There is no test!
There is no contagion!
Truth, Love, justice and Freedom!
Let this be their final planned pandemic!
They’ll never wake up!
Why even bother with them….
Walk them to the clinic for another booster!
They’ll love you even more!