The problem with this kind of video is that we don't see what led up to the conflict because typically the person with the camera only starts filming once the action has begun. Did the subject pull a knife? Did he spit in the guard's face? Without the complete context these types of videos are basically useless, which raises the question: why is Canadian Independent posting it?

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This is not a legal or lawful response

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12 people seem to agree enough with my assessment to hit the like button. That's enough for a jury, and going by the user names, at least four are women. Seems to me the readers of Canadian Independent have more common sense than their editor. I know I wouldn't have run the story without at least sending a reporter out to interview the people involved. Why? Because if the security guard was assaulted in such a manner that his response was determined to be appropriate by a judge, you've just opened the door to a defamation lawsuit.

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As I just pointed out, you need the full context to make a judgment call. Have you seen the store video or talked to any of the staff or customers? More to the point, did Canadian Independent do that? No. They just ran a sensational headline with absolutely no context. That's not journalism. Not even close.

I'm guessing you've never been assaulted. Why don't you read what the criminal code has to say about what constitutes an assault, which incidentally includes spitting. I'll bet that's what happened, or the guy threw something, which is also an assault. The point is, without the context you just don't know, but people don't typically beat on someone without provocation. Another point. Security guards aren't trained to the same level as police, nor are they held to the same standards in these situations, so don't expect the same amount of restraint as you would from a cop. Or you could put it to the test and assault a police officer and see what happens.


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Today’s lesson boys and girls is:

“Fuck around and find out”🤷🏽‍♂️

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Legal or not: why would security put themselves through that for minimum wage for a highly profitable dollar store. Not every customer are the type that turtle and beg for mercy.

If that were my own small business I’d have no problem doing that myself to scumbags threatening my livelihood and I’d just wait for twisted canada to stick up for the criminal and attack me with charges for defending myself, customers and my business.

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I think the guards are sick to death of this shit, shoplifters should get a damn job. We, the people who don't steal have to pay more for the losses because of this little idiot thief.

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Sep 22·edited Sep 22

Good. It's about time. These people have to understand the law. We end up paying more for these scumbags.

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There was a time that if you took a chocolate bar from the corner store your parents dragged you back to apologize. If it was something bigger you were taken to the police station and told to call your parents. These were important lessons that ensured you did not do it again because you were ASHAMED. You had respect for your parents and the police. Now ?? Nothing happens.

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The security guard obviously lost his cool and will likely face a lawsuit even if he was threatened. They aren’t authorized to physically detain anyone, never mind assault them.

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I have heard that the mostly (sorry to say it) new immigrant body guards in many Winnipeg stores can be meaning and creepy characters. Some appear to be taking their “guard duties” way too far. My mom has seen these guards following and monitoring elderly shoppers who are regulars at her neighbourhood grocery store throughout the premises as if ALL shoppers are criminals (!!?!) True, growing numbers of roaming homeless people may be trying to shoplift, and we all know prices are rising at alarming rates which makes poverty a rising threat, but c’mon, beating up shoplifters or treating everyone as a shoplifter is extreme. These are guards, not cops, and rough housing or bullying by cops or anyone else is just not acceptable.

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"These are guards, not cops, and rough housing or bullying by cops or anyone else is just not acceptable."

Especially not in San Francisco.


Or Portland.


Or, say, Vancouver BC... Where an incident similar to the ones described in the article linked below once happened to me. At my delicatessen store. (But that's another story, innit?)


My large BC town is quickly beginning to resemble that large city but oh well...

Large & small businesses can always relocate to safer, less crime ridden towns...

And hard working, tax paying, law abiding middle aged and young Canadian Citizens (as well as recently retired home owners & Canadian tax paying consumers...) can always relocate to safer, less expensive 3rd world countries, right?

Like, say, El Salvador is quickly becoming.

Or Argentina.

Or European countries like Hungary, for instance... Which also has fewer criminals, closed borders and a more favorable cost of living.

Alas. Canada has become a bit of a hell-hole under Turdeau. Which I am not in the position to escape from. At this time.

These are just my honest (triggered) thoughts. Sorry not sorry if any reader of this article (or the Substack's author) is offended by my response to this comment, and article.

Cheers eh! 😉

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Even the small towns are not immune now, however. They move bus loads of homeless up into small communities too. Then watch as things, socially unravel, drugs, tent cities in towns that have never seen them before…. increased crime 🙈you are correct oh, Canada, my Canada …it’s all been planned.

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Yippers, as the "Peggers" used to say. Back in the day. 😥

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Ahree completely. And the swesring while laying the beats on someone for petty theft is so unprofessional. He probably couldn't make it as a cop so is pulling a heavy on someone much smaller than him...pathetic.

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I’ll bet they stop shoplifting!

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I read this comment already but this is definitely "fck around and find out" time. As mentioned, I dont know what transpired up to this but Im sick and tired of seeing people grab and dash

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When stealing is no longer a crime and police won't do what they are paid for, well...this is what is going to start to happen.

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Just before he gets him closer to the door there's a child watching this and I do not support this this is terrible.

This security should be fired you don't put your hands on anyone it's one thing if you're defending yourself but it's another thing to do what he's doing that guy is covering his head and trying not to be hit.

That man is not fighting back he is covering himself up with his arms.

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Agreed. I find it disgusting. Doesn't have the right temperament for the job.

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Can you imagine if these wing nut security guards felt that they had the right to do this to us during the pandemic for not wearing a mask or for not having the vax pass?

People who support this need to really get a grip on themselves because anybody can be the enemy for any reason to the powers that be.

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Very good point. It's a disgusting power trip.

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The “dollar store” should not exist and should have never existed.

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True, but that’s besides the point

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Actually, no, it's a point that's hitting on the long game. The “dollar store” has inevitably, over decades, reduced the quality of affordable products and influenced the increased cost of quality-local products sold elsewhere; while attracting & creating a problematic clientele to a degree, over time, as evident is this video like so many “dollar-store videos” out there over the years.

P.S. Is there a single dollar-store product not imported from the third world…?

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Store staff at a Canadian Tire beat and restrained a patron for not wearing a damned mask in the store. They were also outside their legal boundaries but feel enabled since they believe they had a moral right to pound a patron that didn't want to wear a mask or was medically exempt and they attacked him anyway. An RCMP constable punched an old man in the face for refusing to wear one. Is this the type of leadership we can expect from people empower to serve the public? Maybe the public will come back with friends... Many people turn into angry violent little trolls when they feel empowered by government edicts which are equally as useless and arbitrary. The mask question was already proven ineffective by a court case by the Ontario Nursing Association but every fxxking health rep in the land pushed masks as a preventative tool know damned well they did nothing but act as a muzzle and make people sick. Like everyone else said they didn't see the whole thing and I bet this little prick got what he deserved when he figured his rights were being abused. We just don't know. I know one thing, I don't shop at Canadian Tire anymore and never will again because of their anti public socialist antics. Shame on them.

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That rent a cop def hasn't studied the force continuum very well. You can't commit assault for a summary conviction offence. If he wanted to get a job as a police officer eventually he's fkd. He won't. Hope it was worth it.

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