And the RiteAid in our town is pushing the new Fall version of this “Vaccine”! The Von’s is offering discounts on groceries with proof of vaccination. It should be criminal!

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Well I guess who ever feels they just gotta get the booster can play rush and roulette with their lives. Be sure to get yourselves some Ivermectin as it will help you get through some of the issue with this deadly shot.

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Yes the trump thugs recommend horse medicine. Giddy up

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Yeah and it actually works!! So giddy up to you too! Wake UP!!!

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Hahahahaha yeah I bet it does. You just all don’t want to talk about the deaths and illnesses cause beyond taking bleach or horse medicine.

Seek help

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@deedeerae - dear one - you do not see “we who have a different opinion” from yours polluting your thread with hostile and sarcastic rhetoric. kindly give us the same courtesy.

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I see the bullshit everyday everyday. The lies and propaganda is shouted from

Anywhere a magat can shout. ✅😹

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Yeah really. You all are really something. One day the cult will be wake up… hopefully… and realize they were had.

Being told what they can say think feel hear and believe.


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Ha Dee you jest keep taking your boosters let us know how it goes for ya .

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It’s going great. I never injected bleach or took horse medicine.

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Yet your mentally challenged? Sounds like a side effect to me

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Wonder how many people he injected this poison with before he got taken out? Aside from that, why isn't the family more angry with the government and the bureaucrats that played a roll in murdering their father/husband? Have we become this pathetic of a society? As the saying goes "weak men...."

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To be honest many folks were doing what they thought was right! This was the largest infraction done to the people of the world EVER! The purportrators should be in jail yet they're not! Had you or me done something like this you could rest assured we'd be jailed but these bastards are not! This makes me pretty mad. Plus they're doing many other horrible things that I'll not even get into - we all need to wake up! It's NO LONGER A THEORY ITS UNFORTUNATELY ITS VERY REAL!

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Agreed that many thought that they were doing the right thing, but as the saying goes, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions."

That said, all those people that thought that they were doing a good thing, if they are not actively helping to lift the veil on what took place, as well as apologizing for what they were duped into doing, then they are either cowards, Low IQ Red Rats or guilty for refusing to accept their part in the greatest crime committed on humanity in history. Either way, I have no time for them.

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Because not everyone is a conspirator like yourself.

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"conspirator"? ... lol... so, seeking justice now makes you a "conspirator"? Okay CNN.

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No wild goose chases by people Who are NOT SCIENTISTS. Thats the problem. You all are in a cult.

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lol... what in the world are you talking about? For the record, I'm actually a scientist. I've written papers and have years of experience. I teach math and physics now.

Man, the Low IQ Red Rat in you just doesn't want to face reality that you may have been duped. "at the speed of science". So sad.

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It’s really sad that ‘scientists’ are anti science 😺

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You're just trolling now, no one is this much of a Low IQ Red Rat.

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What a really stupid comment....well played.

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Truth is tough….

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Your something else! WOW! Still not awake!?

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Oh I’m awake. It’s the cult that’s asleep

Must be miserable to be you all. 🤯🤡

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What a hag troll just looking for reactions, not smart enough to hear herself

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Hahahahha awe magga

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he's just a one out of millions and millions others.... OVER 17 MILLION people DIED from the experimental injections... while the "controllers" gave themeselves exemptions or: ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DulLO6C0Dik ... Nuremberg 2.0 NOW!!!

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Hogwash. 17 million? Get real. You people

Are Something else. Only conspirators believe you.

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It’s over 20 million. WAKE UP

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Hahaha yeah I bet 😂😂🥱

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Time for your 8th booster Dee !

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What is a brainwashed sheep doing in here?

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Trying to get truth to the cult.

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You’re the one part of the brainwashed cult. Go get a few more boosters. Did you get your monkey pox jab yet? 😂😂

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Drinkin’ Dee coolaid!

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Are you trying to tell us that after being a subscriber to this Substack and seeing all the evidence, you still doubt all these claims?

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Yes I know the truth. I don’t need whacko people telling me what to think say feel hear and believe. You all have serious problems.

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Enjoy your injections. I hear there are more on the horizon. In fact, because of people like you who aren't interested in hearing the truth, it's never ending.

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Hahahahha yeah the cult has no idea of truths. About anything. You all are shameful really but whatever Do not care about you. Not at all. We can’t help everyone that has turned their brain off.

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You sound like a jewish agitator. All you people do is lie and deceive.

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Hahah truth is tough for the cult of the poorly educated.

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Truth? You speak of Truth? Jews are known liars and deceivers. That's your number one skill. You're all experts at deceit. You've been discovered, DeeDee. You're an insane liar. Best remove yourself from the equation.

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Hahaha I have 5 nationality’s and not one is Jewish. So you are slamming Jews trump?? I mean TJ. Magga much 😹😹😹😹😹🤡

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Jews aren't a nationality, but you already knew that, jewDee. All you do is lie lie lie. Oh, and trump loves jews... his entire family are married to the demons, but you knew that already too.

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Hahahahaha ok 🤓🥱

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Don't forget to get your #10 booster DeeDee

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This is terrible news and has been happening in every country in the World These vaccine injured people should be getting special medical treatment paid for by the vaccine companies The Laws need to be changed to all vaccine companies should be made fully liable for all vaccine induced deaths and injuries They have a license to kill

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CORRECTION: The mass majority of injuries and deaths are happening in the West, meaning White people are their number one target for genocide. FACT.

Now, ask yourself why that is.

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making room for the migrants my guess ,you know the ones not forced to take the Boi Weapon shots .

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This very minute Japan government trying to figgier out how they are to compensate the injured in there country .

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This is truly sad, but how about we just don't manufacture & push dangerous & ineffective "vaccines" for a fake pandemic in the first place?? Why should a "vaccine" require a compensation scheme? Come on, it makes no sense whatsoever! Unless, of course, you're on the receiving end of BILLIONS OF DOLLARS!!

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You don’t make sense.

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Hahahaha my god there is some Dumb people


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My God you sound like a TROLL there is a bridge for you !

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Yeh, that troll is particularly annoying. Wonder who he/she/it works for?

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She's a jewish paid agitator. They stir up trouble everywhere.

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He took many more lives by recommending the injectable poisons:


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I'll say it again, Crimes against humanity. 😞

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This is so sad . My sincere condolences to the family.

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I’m reserving my condolences for people I actually care about, not this stupid pharmacist.

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This is what happens when we trust bureaucrats with our health. They also want to control the rest of your life, right down to the speed of your vehicle. Certainly the thirst for power will never be slaked in these hungry individuals.

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All that were involved with this murdering vaccine starting with Billy Gates and all his accomplices should be brought up on charges. They knew exactly what they were doing from the get go. The WEF and the WHO are in on this travesty as well. I don't recall us being able to weigh in on their inclusion of calling the shots for everyone. Fauci, Gates, Zuckerberg, Hinshaw and numerous others were involved with this demented plan. Their heads should all roll as this was a plandemic which was to facilitating reducing the world population, because these self imposed Crack heads figured this was how they could do this. Trust me it's not over yet. Many doctors and nurses who figured out what was going on also lost their jobs. This has been just another assault on our lives by our so called leaders. This is REAL and it's beyond me why they're not being charged with crimes against humanity! Moving forward be very careful as they are still trying to follow the WEF and WHO! Wouldn't trust them for a minute! They should be in jail! It's no longer a conspiracy it's very REAL! Wake up people!

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It’s So Cruel

What People Just A Little Bit Smarter

Than These Morons

Did To Them.

It Makes For A Life

Of Those Smarter Than All Of Them

Replete With Horrified Disdain.


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God damn every doctor out there who screws people with these injuries . Politics has nothing o the level of corruption in our "healthcare" . Sad is what it is

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I don’t give two shits about this stupid pharmacist. I have zero fucks to give.

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If true and one has no reason to doubt it....Canada has now become part of the Nexis of Evil. Pax

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This Nee Dee hijacker’s 5 minutes of fame has become tiresome and unintelligent. Ignorant. The language resembles a toothless mouth looking for a barn yard scrap. Née Dee needs to take her bully pulpit to the “common” social media outlets duke it out for the sake of low life entertainment.

Nee Dee has railroaded a heartfelt post to serve an aggressive and unhealthy appetite. She is unwell and needs help. People who don’t agree with her are not the enemy or her potential victims. Do not serve her unsophisticated vitriol. Block her.

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