Good man. Not the politician, but the member of the public.

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Guy is absolutely right. I can’t stand listening to this idiot go on and on about doing g fuckall.

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May 11·edited May 11

You can't stop corporate "greed" with top down bills. You can't stop people from earning money. This guy is ridiculous and helping create an authoritarian, fascist, communist, tyrannical government.

You can't remove people's incentive to work and produce without damaging the economy further. This is simple economics and human nature. It's been tried and failed in Mao's China, in the USSR and every time they tried, it was the destruction of society and caused massive famines and the death of 10's of millions.

The entire reason prices are sky high for everything is inflation, and this inflation was created by the printing and introduction of too much money into the money supply, and it was created by Trudeau AND HIS SUPPORT OF TRUDEAU.

What a hypocritical scam artists this guy is. He literally helped create the problem.

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The usual nonsense from Jughead - I did see another clip of this encounter, the pedestrian walks back with his hand moving like a duck quacking, was hilarious 😂 . On the more serious side, Loblaws did increase shareholder dividends 15% due to 1st quarter profits of 9.7%!! Wouldn't exactly call that a "slim margin" would you?

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I wouldn't call keeping Trudeau in power doing nothing. He'll definitely be remembered for that, especially by the working class he betrayed, not to mention the Khalsa, whose mission is to protect the weak and the innocent.

One God. The name is Truth.

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have to stop paying these lying weasels

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😅🤣😂 Blah, blah, blah. Love it!

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Good old Jimmy the snake

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May 11·edited May 11

This Singh sings songs for billionairs. He's a joke...a liar who takes orders from billionaires who want to get back to the good old days of fuedalism. Give this turd a one way ticket to North Korea where he belongs with his fellow commrads.

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Writing price control laws just makes more civil servants and bribery opportunities and retailers gaming the system.

Existing anti competition rules just need to be enforced. If price fixing is detected, go public and fine the offender. Free market works with just some nudging. Maoist policy (imagine the federal government taking over food distribution), leads to mass starvation.

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Milton Fredman said, "If you put government in charge of the desert, there would be a shortage of sand within five years"

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