I find it difficult to understand how politicians can ignore this, but they do. May be one day if we can ever get through the cover up and denial of this horrific tragedy a world wide memorial will be erected to those who have died and been injured

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Because almost all of them pushed it so hard, forced the shots, penalized those that did not go along. They have a lot to be ashamed for or worse.

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We need an apology to the unjabbed. The ptsd and isolation is crushing.

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They’re the culprits

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A well done display showing a tremendous amount of work. Very tragic.

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I cannot believe this could happen in our lifetime, We should know better by now. These are definitely crimes against humanity and people who promoted any of this should pay. It is sickening.

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They were systematically murdered.

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Here is what I wrote to my subscribers when I cross posted this amazing video to the DrRimaTruthReports.substack.com publication:

"It is nearly impossible to wrap one's mind around, but we are in the midst of the most successful holocaust ever carried out by humans, but only some of us see it.

This is a stunning, moving and beautiful display. Share it widely.

Then go to https://PreventGenocide2030.org and help get your country out of the Death Machine that organized this disaster for us - and has worse in store for us. It's the UN, a country club of Unelected Nobodies. WHO is only a servant organization for it.

Let's stop the killing at the source by exiting the UN.

The Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act is before the US Congress now.

It will take 10 million people to pass it, I estimate. What number in line are you?

Are you going to let them succeed or will you help stop their evil?

It's that simple."

Please join the #ExitUN line. Share this link and mobilize folks to help get out of the Death Machine: https://PreventGenocide2030.org.

Now would be a good time.

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Thank you for sharing this, Dr. Rima.

Relatedly, I recently transcribed a batch of videos of a similar sort of vigil for those injured and killed by the injections— the Forest of the Fallen, in Australia. This is just one example of what they are doing there:

Forest of the Fallen ||| BayView Dog Park NSW [Australia]

November 12, 2023



TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Bayview Dog Park is on Pittwater, a bay north of Sydney. This video shows several dozens of tall sticks topped with a piece of paper each of which tells the story and shows the photo of a victim of the covid vaccine. The sticks are standing in sand on the shore, so that they appear to be a kind of forest. Each piece of paper on the head of its stick is positioned such that it would be easy for a passerby to stop and read it. There are many people and dogs walking and in the water in the background; some individuals come into the Forest of the Fallen to read the papers. The wind is strong, heard throughout.

FEMALE VOICE: The wind, the wind's coming up here at the Bayview Dog Park but gee, people are coming up and the public are helping us.

Another message that seems to have come to me today, which I think is worth sharing. People keep saying to me, But what can we do? What can we do? And I said, well, one thing you can do is you can say, I met a woman at the dog park and she had hundreds and hundreds of PDFs of people who'd died and been injured. I had no idea this how many people have died or were hurt. Have you, have you heard of this at all? And people will obviously say, No, no, don't know anything about that. But then you ask the question, have any of your friends had strokes or heart attacks in the last couple of years and is that a surprise? And bring up the conversation because it's a conversation we need to have.

And it seems to work because no one can say you're an anti-vaxxer, no one can make accusations of you, but it's a way of raising awareness. And then when that recipient of that message hears of someone having a heart attack or stroke, a seed of doubt is sown.

So if anyone asks you about how to pass on the message, I'd give that a try.



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For more about the Forest of the Fallen, see:


From the home page:

"Forest of the Fallen is a silent vigil open to anyone who passes by. Set up and then left to work its intention on all who are open to witness and interact with it; It is not a protest, it is not a database. It is solely a platform where we share only cv19 injection deaths and injuries that I have personally found, only where stories have been publicly shared and published on multiple sources. Some have been personally shared to me, but the majority are not. The Forest has no need for any marketing, advertising or spruiking! It propagates alone and speaks for itself entirely. As an initiative, I intend for us to work in unity, together to help spread the most important message to all. We must gently alert all we can, that this information is being censored. We are not offering medical advice. The Forest comes purely from a place of compassion for all. All forms of conflict must be avoided at all times. The Forest displays the public domain stories of cv19 “vaccinated” people. As they are all vaccinated, it is literally, actually a completely vaccinated display, and should NEVER be referred to as an ‘anti-vax’ display."

Forest of the Fallen posts videos on Odysee. For a listing of their latest videos, see:




For more about the Forest of the Fallen see the Café Locked Out post which includes an approximately 2 minute photo montage video of victims of the covid vaccines:


UPDATE NOVEMBER 26, 2023: See Alison Bevege's excellent and detailed article about the Forest of the Fallen, "The Power of Silence" for her substack, Letters From Australia, has just been posted. https://lettersfromaustralia.substack.com/p/the-power-of-silence

Of note: The Forest of the Fallen was started in 2021 by Selkie, a Tasmanian mother of three. A pull-quote from Bevege's article:

"Speaking at the Australians for Science and Freedom conference at University of NSW on November 18, Selkie explained the magic of Forest of the Fallen which has now grown to 131 pop-up displays across Australia with more than 550 stories.

It’s the magic of an empty space.

Holding a space for sometimes angry people and a confused country that is still in denial

Selkie said she found that taking herself out of the memorial was the most effective way to allow people to discover for themselves, quietly, what happened, and to process it.

'All along I’ve stressed the importance on making sure the display is not affiliated with any other group, movement, religion or political party, keeping it open to all sets of eyes with no exclusion and no bias,' she said."

...continue reading: https://lettersfromaustralia.substack.com/p/the-power-of-silence

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I am deeply moved by what you have shared, Transcriber, and I just cross posted it. Thank you.

Please visit PreventGenocide2030.org and sign the declaration and share it widely.

Share with your US friends that they need to take action at that same link to pound on the US Congress to pass the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2030, which gets us out of the whole shooting match.

I estimate that we need 10 million people to make that happen.

Take a ticket, get in line and tell Congress.

And, by the way, the legal Memo on that page makes it clear that no nation in the world is in a valid treaty relationship with the UN. NONE. Please share that widely as well.

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Done, and thank you!

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Great initiative, however probably the tip of the iceberg

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Curious how recent this was, judging by the way they're dressed, and the lack of leaves on the trees, looks almost winter-like.

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I went to their website. Looks like possibly January 20 in Vienna.

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So sad 😞 And to think these poison shots are still being administered to this day! They are on the vaccine schedule for babies! Side note* was out shopping today, saw many masked up - a women with a child (guessing around 3 yrs old) the masks with filters and head gear, on so very tight! Couldn't help staring at them, that poor child!

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Also added to other injectables without consent eg dental anaesthetics, tetanus I heard of recently... the white coats can't be trusted

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c.40,000 excess deaths in Australia (30-50,000).

Millions of lives ruined, many unjabbed suffering severe ptsd and isolation after the destruction.

Our country, like so many, is sinking.

All I can do is write while they make off like bandits. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/requiem-for-australia

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22 million worldwide murdered by their own repulsive governments.

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That is impressive but gut renching at the same time. Puts it all in perspective the loss of life and liberty!

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So wish I could share this but in Canada it's not allowed by trujerk and his minions

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I do this for every post that I make on FB, and would be censored. It gets past the censors.

Always use, “Search for”, then the site, and then the heading.

Not naming the site, should also work most of the time.


Search for: The Canadian Independent - WATCH: A large memorial was captured today in the streets of Austria of those injured or killed by the COVID-19 vaccines

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So Murdoch is spreading manure in Canada too. “Independent “ of facts.

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It’s the coverup by the MSM never acknowledging the adverse consequences of these death shots

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this is what happens when you worship news and science instead of Jesus

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