Make sure any payments come out of their personal bank accounts including their hidden offshore accounts….and NOT THE TAX PAYERS DIME….SEEMS THE TAX PAYERS ALWAYS GET STUCK PAYING THE BILL…..WE DIDN’T FORCE TGE FAKE JABS ON ANYONE….OLIGARCH BOUGHT FUCKHEADS ARE RESPONSIBLE.

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Wondering if this ruling can be the basis of a letter to my MP with regards to his/her legal liability?

Can any MP of a government be held legally accountable and face charges during the government's time in power?

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What about the government instituting GCVATS which was a digital system keeping track of federal public service employees to get two vaccines or else face “Leave Without Pay”. After three months if they did not comply they would be dismissed. Some asked for exemption and were not granted that exemption. They essentially threatened the loss of salaries and employment which is a form of coercion. Would this be considered “unconstitutional”?

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This is permission to go after them. We have a way

No whining, begging, or bitching.

In Canada, you are the sovereign In this petition, Here you are giving consent for PM Trudeau and his MPs to be arrested for treason.


This was faxed to 600 RCMP detachments. We consent for his arrest for treason

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"The Court's judgment emphasized several crucial points. First, it underscored the courts' fundamental duty to protect Charter rights from state infringement, which includes providing remedies such as damages. Second, the judgment clarified that the state cannot claim absolute immunity from damages for enacting laws that violate Charter rights. "

Except for infringement on civil liberties during Covid, right?

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The criminals in Canada will be caught and jailed. We can not co-exist with them. The Sovereign's Petition

No whining, begging or bitching.

In a democracy such as Canada, the sovereign are the people. In this petition, we the people are giving consent for PM Trudeau and his M.P. to be arrested for treason.

Our Sovereign's Petition here:


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