The charter may as well be written in sharpie on toilet paper for all it's worth.

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It is a false hope.

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No, it’s a piece of crap document, I knew they would lose, it was a set up from the beginning, I don’t trust those two guys anymore. They should know better and they do know better

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Leading people along. To nowhere.

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Yeah, all they had to do is say Bill Wright and all Jordan Peterson had to say was Bill of rights , but they use the charter and then they lost and then they scream no freedom no freedom, who did that before … Benedict …

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Pretending they have power over us is mistake number 1.

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Very disappointing

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The courts aren’t interested in any charter or constitutional matters related to Covid. “Moot” is a cop out, and a poor one at that,,imo

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Their courts do not care about us. It is a control structure, nothing more.

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I Eric R Biddle, agree with you completely. In my case with the Supreme Court of Canada, two prominent psychiatrists, Dr. Robert J McCaldon and Dr. Hans Arndt counter conspired for me after baseless arrest, torture, fraudulent trials and wrongful imprisonment 8.5 years including three orchestrated attempts to murder me by the Toronto Police. Dr Arndt told a Supreme Court Judge that I was completely innocent and to find something in my Appeal Documents to free me. It worked. In about 3 weeks I was relatively free on Appeal Bail signed by Rev Mary Elizabeth Ranger.

What do you expect when a narcissist boy dictator PM Justin Trudeau has influence on Judicial appointments?

Try my non-fiction book Operation Ransac - Conspiracy by Eric R Biddle. Available at Amazon books.

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So shamefully tragic — and a sad example of how two wrongs NEVER make a right. WRONG #1 — people who were healthy but who were harmed or who died (often “suddenly” (I know of at least two people this happened to) because they had to travel and were therefore unable NOT to jab umpteen times, are the ultimate victims, and they received ZERO justice. WRONG #2 — a legal system that is supposed to serve the Constitutional rights of citizens slams the door at will on public issues that are simply too hot to handle. I am praying Almighty God opens another way to right these wrongs. His Justice is above earthly injustices and reigns supreme over all.

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Keep this paperwork in the top drawer and drop it into the courts as soon as the next set of restrictions occur...because they most certainly will.

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".....because they most certainly will".

Precisely the reason why the SCC chose not to hear the case?

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Like in The Odessa File, there will be no justice.

Wagner swoons.

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Mòot does not mean meritless.

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Supreme Court justices are leftist totalitarian activists.

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You got that wrong, they have given us some great case law recently , reaffirmed our rights, what they’re doing is they’re not reaffirming the charter, it’s a piece of crap.

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There is no TRUTH in Justice anymore! There is NO JUSTICE in Canada any longer! Just ask those still being persecuted by the POLITICIZED LEGAL SYSTEM. Dare you not impose your God given Rights and Freedoms upon the tyrannical, authoritarian, draconian, corrupt, evil beings who run this world OR you shall endure their wrath!!

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29

Maureen, I agree with your position that they are going after us. But I really would recommend a stronger education so that you may assert your sovereign rights rooted in the magna common law and the Canadian Bill of Rights and supported/ reaffirmed by Supreme Court case law more than a few times.

. We have meetings on zoom Monday and Wednesday evenings, join us, please. The Supreme Court of Canada is telling you that the charter is a piece of crap. Instead of looking at the charter is a piece of crap people are blaming the Supreme Court. We haven’t had the civics classes since 1960s so we have had poor legal formation. But we can learn it again quickly

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There's two arguments here.

First is that judges, being all enlightened and stuff, have the knowledge and wisdom to correctly interpret the Law. That's the British system, and as we've seen recently, you can get a long stretch in prison just for hurting someone's feelings.

The other side of the argument is a Constitution such as the US has, which owing to it being written under vastly different historic conditions, doesn't always reflect current realities and has to be amended from time to time.

Canada falls somewhere between the two. Sure we have a "charter' - so did the Hudson Bay Company. It's only as good a judge's interpretation however, and it has that nasty loophole we're all familiar with. So basically we have the illusion of a Constitution, which most Canadians assume is similar in scope to that of the USA, while the truth is, we're still very much ruled by the principles embedded in British Common Law, which are so open to interpretation and a judge's discretion that we might as well go back the Divine Right of Kings.

For all its flaws, the US Constitution is probably the best we'll ever see on planet Earth. At least it acts as a partial restraint on judges who far too often regard their personal opinions as "the will of the people."

If you really think common law has any teeth to it, I suggest you take a look at Britain where they're sending people up for mean tweets. They're even releasing violent criminals early to make room in the prisons for convicted mean tweeters.


And whatever you do, don't you dare shout at a police dog. They have feeling too.

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No no no. We have the bill of rights. Common law is enshrined in there. They are trying to dupe you. England does not have the bill. We have better system than England. Wait until they take out the bill of rights. Pierre said he will use article 33. Love the system you have. Oh. Canada. I stand on guard for thee! Remember that? Our system is great but we havent had civics since the 60’s. We DONOT know the beauty of our system.

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This is ridiculous, my gosh. It’s the charter that’s a piece of crap, our courts have worked quite well, and the Supreme Court has given us a wonderful ruling recently with the Mosley case and the other one allowing us to go after federal government for rights infringements www.trudeaufortreason.com

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disgusting! It says everything you need to know about politicization of the judicial system!

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No, no no, it’s the charter. It’s not about the courts, the charter is not working, it never has. Use the bill of rights

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Not a surprise. We need to throw that communist charter where it belongs. As if Packford and Bernie didn’t know. They aren’t surprised either. There are too many Canadians working against the people. We have bigger fish to fry now with the treason, occurring in parliament and Pierre’s desire to use the non-withstand clause, big big threats to our parliamentary system.

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No rights—no freedoms ... end of story. Canada's Supreme Court leaves the door open for a massive, people's unprising during the next Liberal/NDP/WEF scamdemic. Oh ... wait ... this is Canada in 2024. Except for Truckers and their supporters, it's CUPE Pansyland. 40% of GDP is the housing bubble which has just crashed, 40% is the fake government sector and the remaining 20% is the rapidily dwindling independent business sector—the sole source of tax revenue. And "Canadians" keep electing the Trudeau-Singh twins. We are in a depression. Patriots have done all they can. Time to get out.

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"Except for Truckers and their supporters..."

I hate to break this to you, but based on my own observations, truckers are just as ignorant as the rest of the population. What you saw in Ottawa was a tiny percentage of the total number of truckers in Canada, mostly owner operators, and they only got motivated because of the border crossing rules, not the overall imposition of the vaccine mandates which most trucking companies didn't implement. Where I work (regional carrier, western BC) only a few of us actually supported the protest. The rest were either indifferent or openly hostile. The graffiti in the truck stops told a similar story. At a guess, I'd say only 10% actually supported us.

Ironically, out of staff of 35 drivers, two got very sick from the vaccines, one chronically, and another was permanently disabled. It's almost certain the vaccines were responsible, but try telling them that. Even raising the subject was uncomfortable because almost everyone had been vaccinated and didn't want to hear about it. A classic case of denial.

Sorry to be a wet towel, but so many people got their hopes up back then, and while I admire the resolve of the people who did participate, or who supported us financially, they were still a very small minority.

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Well, I was in Ottawa for much of it and I'm aware the convoy members were a relatively small representative group, but the numbers of civilian supporters there, and all along the way, were huge and they united far more Canadians than anything I have seen in my 76 years. Sorry to hear about those who took the injections to save their jobs and paid a sorrowful price (About 6 in 100 people and that's huge. Imagine the numbers from 5 billion injections.). I'm aware of the injury and deaths part of the betrayal far more intimately than you know. I did not get injected but I know full well the devastation caused by the traitor in the PMO. That said, it's why I wrote, "Patriots have done all they can. Time to get out." Canada is in a depression right now and it's only going to get worse. I see no saving this country from the globalists. P.S. The American Reveolution of 1776 was fought by just 3% of the population of the 13 Colonies.

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The problem with Canada is that it's been a stable country for so long that a severe case of normalcy bias has set in. Unless they were directly affected by the covid scam people just don't believe how bad it was - that is to say the response, not the virus itself, which was no worse for most people than a bad case of the flu. My own family was the same. Only my wife and I had enough sense to question the narrative, the rest just fell in line, and my 28 yo nephew developed myocarditis shortly after being jabbed.

On the American Revolution, I agree that change happens at the margin, but conditions were different back then. The revolutionaries were fighting with the same arms as the British and had home turf advantage. British supply lines were stretched across the Atlantic, plus the Americans had the French, Spanish and Dutch helping out as well. Today the equation is so imbalanced in favour of the state that any sort of armed uprising has zero chance of success. Maybe a general strike would have an effect, but getting people to do even that is an uphill struggle. This isn't France. Look how quickly they shut down the rail strike.

With the recent changes to Russian immigration law in favour of westerners looking to bail, we're starting to see more of that, and the effect on Canada and other western nations will be negative as it's educated people with skills who are looking to leave, and who can actually afford to. That's plan B for us at the moment, but it could quickly become Plan A if they try that shit again. I drove my truck all through the pandemic but next time I'll just park it and stay home or pack up and leave.

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My thoughts almost exactly. As I understand it, Edgar Cayce presented a strong indication of Russia being the saviour and sanctuary for peoples of the West at, arguably, just about this time frame. Cayce Circa 1932—"What then of nations? In Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that sometimes termed of the Communistic, of the Bolshevistic; no. But freedom, freedom! that each man will live for his fellow man! The principle has been born. It will take years for it to be crystallized, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world."

Interesting that only Putin has kept us from nuclear conflagration. The Western globalists are salivating for war. Very dire times as the Eloi slumber on.

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Oh, you gotta be kidding, this is ridiculous, everybody is beaten in this chat group, the bill of rights is working wonderfully, the communist works as it supposed to work. It’s supposed to shut down our rights, the ruling is right, garbage in garbage out.

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Huh? Want to try again? Free speech is better when it's cogent.

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I think it's called sarcasm. That's how I read it.

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I thought about that and read it again several times before I responded. I think sarcasm needs clarithy far more than anything else.

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Communication in this medium is often subject to misunderstanding. We don't know who is likely to respond to a comment and we can't see them face to face, so the words themselves are all we have to go on, and not everyone is adept at expressing themselves well. I try to bear that in mind when I engage so as not to end up in a useless polemic, or worse, a flame war. That's my attitude on Substack at least. Different story on Zero Hedge where anything goes:)

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Costs to the attorney general means don’t bother bringing future cases like this in the future, moot or otherwise. Courts say that a perceived threat of alleged to have less than 1% risk of death voids your rights unless you follow government’s mandate to take a shot that may or may not involve a 1% or larger risk of death.

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Most here are missing the point. By the time people got around to challenging this and other pieces of tyrannical trash, the government repealed or let those provisions expire. You snooze, you lose. THIS IS NOT ABOUT THE CHARTER. IT'S ABOUT MOOTNESS. You have to challenge RIGHT AWAY. Instead, we waited and waited and waited... and waited. We knew it was coming. It happened and then took months until someone actually took legal action. When they do this again, will people take prompt legal action then? I speak from experience and struck the PCR tests in Ontario as a requirement under the Quarantine Act. I don't agree with the decision to decline leave. Mootness doctrine and judicial notice for scientific and medical matters should be banned in our Constitution.

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We are compensating First Nations people for what was done to them in residential schools. We no longer do that, so we no longer have to compensate them. That's the essence of the court's argument. Absurd on its face.

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You can sue the government. They didn't. Rickard did and didn't join in this appeal. You can't challenge a law that no longer exists. If you were wronged after the law no longer exists, you can sue for damages. That's nothing new, although the government very deliberately made orders lasting two weeks and renewed them every two weeks. When this applicatiom finally dropped, they let it expire and didn't renew. If they had brought it a week in, the government would've backed down right away.

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Plus nobody went to jail. It’s absurd.

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The Rule of Law and Social Contract are effectively moot now in Canada when clowns in robes cannot see the distinction between a suspension and a retraction of tyrannical fiat authority.

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Oh my gosh, everybody’s demoralized, and beaten by the communist, our law is functioning great, use the Bill of Rights. Don’t use the communist charter document.

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And the corruption continues

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