"Myocarditis is up 151%, hypertensive disease is up 36%, Ischemic heart disease is up 69%, pulmonary heart disease is up 62%, heart failure is up 973%, other forms of heart disease are up 63%, and cardiomyopathy is up 152%."
My God, I can't believe with the amount of health issues, disability, and death these whaccines have caused that the public is not in an uproar! The world is just sitting back and watching this happen and turning a blind eye to it! It blows my mind! I only hope I live long enough to see the truth come out, and to see the ones who forced this on innocent people be held accountable. Safe and effective, my ass! It's neither! How could they know it was safe with how quickly it came out? It's impossible to do the proper amount of testing that needs to be done, in the amount of time it took them to produce it and inject it into millions of people. And then to threaten your job if you didn't get it? Down right inconceivable, wrong, and a stain on human rights! The damn thing doesn't even work! The only reason Covid is no longer killing most people who get it now, is because it did what viruses usually do...it mutated to the point where it only makes you sick instead of killing you to ensure it's own survival. A virus needs a host. Future generations, if mankind is lucky enough to make it that far, will look back on this era and shake their heads and laugh about the amount of corruption we allowed to happen because we were too scared and stupid to do anything about it.
Some knew and were paid to shill like the media. Some were cowed into silence using fear. The vast majority I think refuse to believe or face the reality of the consequences, for themselves and what they allowed or even encouraged. To think what they subjected their children to, their parents, encouraged others while ignoring all the warnings and even attacking the ones warning them. They became the average german nazi citizen that went along while thinking they were the type who would never do such a thing. They cheered for people to lose their jobs, be excluded from medical care and society, for warning them about something they refused to listen.
I imagine its really hard to look at yourself in the mirror and come to grips with that. That you are a monster that thought themself a hero.
There's every indication that Covid was just a test for complacency, and much more than you may want to know.
Also there are many brave people taking a stand against the plans that are clearly laid out in the Agenda documents: Agenda2030, Agenda2050 and now that Cop28 in Dubai has occurred, even more of these machinations will occur it is based on Malthusian philosophy, all of it.
Thanks for sharing. Those are devastating numbers. I have a 7 year old boy who (so far) has the energy, personality and physical abilities of what I think would suit a military career. I used to dream of what his life would be like if he went that route. After all, it’s one of the most honourable vocations in its pure form… Based on what I’ve seen over the years and in this post, suffice it to say this is no longer a career path I’ll be encouraging.
My God, I can't believe with the amount of health issues, disability, and death these whaccines have caused that the public is not in an uproar! The world is just sitting back and watching this happen and turning a blind eye to it! It blows my mind! I only hope I live long enough to see the truth come out, and to see the ones who forced this on innocent people be held accountable. Safe and effective, my ass! It's neither! How could they know it was safe with how quickly it came out? It's impossible to do the proper amount of testing that needs to be done, in the amount of time it took them to produce it and inject it into millions of people. And then to threaten your job if you didn't get it? Down right inconceivable, wrong, and a stain on human rights! The damn thing doesn't even work! The only reason Covid is no longer killing most people who get it now, is because it did what viruses usually do...it mutated to the point where it only makes you sick instead of killing you to ensure it's own survival. A virus needs a host. Future generations, if mankind is lucky enough to make it that far, will look back on this era and shake their heads and laugh about the amount of corruption we allowed to happen because we were too scared and stupid to do anything about it.
Some knew and were paid to shill like the media. Some were cowed into silence using fear. The vast majority I think refuse to believe or face the reality of the consequences, for themselves and what they allowed or even encouraged. To think what they subjected their children to, their parents, encouraged others while ignoring all the warnings and even attacking the ones warning them. They became the average german nazi citizen that went along while thinking they were the type who would never do such a thing. They cheered for people to lose their jobs, be excluded from medical care and society, for warning them about something they refused to listen.
I imagine its really hard to look at yourself in the mirror and come to grips with that. That you are a monster that thought themself a hero.
So true! It really was disgusting how this whole thing unfolded and how many families it destroyed!
There's every indication that Covid was just a test for complacency, and much more than you may want to know.
Also there are many brave people taking a stand against the plans that are clearly laid out in the Agenda documents: Agenda2030, Agenda2050 and now that Cop28 in Dubai has occurred, even more of these machinations will occur it is based on Malthusian philosophy, all of it.
mandates are not laws.
Wow. Compared to 2022. Heart failure and moral bravery in the military have become negatively correlated, I guess. God bless this man.
And these guys KNOW how evil governments can be…almost too late to stand up now. ALMOST.
In this situation people need to step up or be willing to take what's coming next...
"which am I", is what we each have to ask ourselves?
There are options:
Thanks for sharing. Those are devastating numbers. I have a 7 year old boy who (so far) has the energy, personality and physical abilities of what I think would suit a military career. I used to dream of what his life would be like if he went that route. After all, it’s one of the most honourable vocations in its pure form… Based on what I’ve seen over the years and in this post, suffice it to say this is no longer a career path I’ll be encouraging.
Cant heart ‘like’ this. But true, see it in my ppl nearly daily.
They should have done more testing in this new type of vaccinations if we can call them that
May the people in the military find their way to release these conditions and bring back their full natural state of health.
God bless