May God above let the truth roll down like a mighty flood to wash away the lies of those who push these kill shots. The truth shall set us free.

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That's not good enough. May their LIVES be washed away with the truth.

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Philippines latest vital statistics data (released 7th November 2023) reported in my article. It is even worse, probably much worse than Congressman Dan is presenting. There are already 330,000 excess deaths between 2021 (43.2% excess) and 2022 (10.7% excess), in still preliminary data.


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That is what the pandemic was for, reducing 200k-400k in most countries according to their ‘agenda’ and who supported it fully

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This is silly, we all know what caused all the deaths and every single doctor and politician knows!

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Will you initiate a committee that seeks FOI on excess deaths in Canada?I live a block away from a crematorium, they used to light up one day per week, if needed. Now they burn day and night 7 days per week and they are reported to Consumer Protection due to the black smoke they are constantly emitting...

We have 4 schools all uphill of our local crematorium.

How would you see this developing, I finally have the towns mayor here in Gibsons BC pursuing the Consumer Protection for their investigation report.

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Wow, there’s the evidence! Thanks for the valuable input.

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@mike this also appears to be a CDN researcher you may want to follow on the VAERS research especially deleted reporting and the likes:

This one first:


And this one is a gem also:


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The former Italian health minister Roberto Speranza is being investigated for murder, the reason, he knew early on that the vaccines were causing harm including deaths but ordered health officials to conceal the data, this was so that it wouldn't jeopardise the vaccine campaign. A woman by the name of Nicola Magrini is also being investigated in connection with texts and e-mails. This has been reported in newspapers and tv media channels in Italy and Germany, you can find the video on Rumble social media where it also mentions the excess deaths in the Philippines..

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are these the same politicians that forced citizens to vaccinate just to leave their home and buy groceries?

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Yes and they were hit with a 7.6 magnitude earthquake the next day. Hummm, man made earthquake is what I'd say

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