This is heartbreaking! What so many had to endure unjustly and sometimes with lifelong consequences is truly awful. 😔

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She is a true lawyer Kudos to her

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She embarasses the class action controlled opposition lawyers.

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Consequences are desperately required for these actions.

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Will justice happen with all this coruption in Canada?

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I do believe God will give Justice AND Glory to the appropriate people…at the appropriate time. My son is still serving our US Navy and abroad currently in his 19th year. Yet he drank the Koolaid and hasn’t spoken to me now for years, except to tell me he doesn’t know who I am. God will show him while I sit silently. 🙏🏻

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I'm sorry you're going through that! I pray he sees the light before too much longer.

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The silencing of credible people trying to report, the amount of doctored reports to prove the narrative and the amount of psychological abuse amounts to a need for a trial to force these people to be held accountable. What I have witnessed and seen done over the course of three years is nothing short of horrific and all those that were privy, accomplices, and silent about it to continue the lie and narrative is appalling.

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Why nobody sue the gov?

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Yes, nurses and doctors over two years ago saw the 49 some odd pages of adverse events emerging and tried to sound the alarms and most were fired and suspended or silenced and censored, and so were the doctors that made exemptions for patients, warned patients or wouldn't get it themselves and tried to sound the alarm outside of the clinics. We need a New Nuremberg trial for crimes against humanity from the highest levels of goverenment and health officials

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Same protocols as the Nazi’s. Makes me Hurl. It all comes down from Corrupt Leadership; Mister Fancy Socks JT Castro.

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I agree

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As an US Army vet from the 70's & 80's this is really sickening. The same thing is happening down here. This is one way to fight back, but what happens when Governments become Hitlerized? Do we fight back or do we just fade to black?

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Many in Germany and neighbouring countries did not comply and hid the Jews at great cost to themselves. Sound of Music family set an example to stick to your principles. Their courage and integrity is an example to follow and hopefully courageous police and military will arrest the perpretrators. Our homeland security knows the truth. They know the scam. They know the players involved. It takes the CAF members who did not want to mandate these vaccines and knew they were illegal orders to join forces with honest police who knew all covid mandates were illegal especially vaccine mandates and arrest the bad evil people. Honorable lawyers need to expose crooked bought paid judges and lawyers. The chain of linking of honorable people who have authority to arrest the evil will strengthen and the crooked judges and lawyers who protect the evil will be caught and arrested .

The surgeon general of Florida Lapado says do not take any more vaccines. Many Florida counties and in other states are saying...BAN the shots. Take them off the shelves like thalidomide was even though some Canadian doctors fought to stop it from being removed. Your Canada Health is crooked guided by money. They,have fought to keep bad drugs on the shelf. So have conflicted doctors.

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This is a travesty. It sickens me to think this could ever happen in Canada. 🙏 Praying for Truth and Justice for all.

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So absolutely disgusting what happened to our Armed Forces, always a yes man in every organization, looking for a promotion, and will do anything against their comrades to advance themselves, evil is as evil does, it’s really too bad they don’t realize that evil always gets its comeuppance… you can run, but you can’t hide…Love catches evil and snuffs it out in the End, because the Love of our Lord, Jesus Christ rules in the END 🤷‍♀️ that’s my Opinion and I’m Entitled to It 🌹❤️🙏🥰

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Here! Here!

Now what’s going to happen, she will be silenced too

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The fact that this is still occurring is disgusting - these leaders need to be charged and put in prison

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Have you written to class action controlled opposition lawyers who have lawsuits for segregation of prisoners indigenous in residential schools but silent on the very important issues like covid vaccine mandates. This courageous lawyer is doing her job. What about other lawyers. Do they have courage to write to their peers to stand up.

The class action lawyers are controlled opposition and being proven to be such by non action for human rights. The evidence is overwhelming and these class actions are ignoring it.

Very sad what happened to these CAF members and this happened everywhere in Canada to unvaccinated but seems to have been top notch bullying and hate by the military personnel. Most of all it was online by so called doctors and polticians and in the media on the same level of Rwanda genocide and media engaging in crimes against humanity that stands out as solid evidence

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