Who did they get results from ? I feel it would be more accurate if people were aware of the review and what they should be reporting because most people I know work through health issues because there is a lack of docs and if you have 1 are they reporting adverse effects ?

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Looks like the data comes from the Government of Nova Scotia, I assume the Health Authority there. What we know: vaccine adverse events are hugely under reported, from the docs speaking out, last I read 20%. As you state, many probably didn't report due to lack of a family physician and/or not being serious enough to visit an ER. Sadly, many GPs didn't bother filling in the AE forms due to it's length and their time constraints. Also,Health Authorities were/are constantly changing their "definition" of what constituted a Covid death. So, we will never truly know the number of people affected by the "human experiment" up to and including death.

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I worked the health authority for close to 22 years . Worst place to attempt to feel safe . I left during covid and will never return . It's a joke

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Many of the general public and doctors would not connect a recurring condition such as cancer coming back due to the Covid injections. In fact, many don't attribute any adverse event to any vaccine other than a sore arm. Some of the doctors who did fill out the AE forms were told by a Health Canada government employee that their diagnosis of the adverse reaction was incorrect and therefore not counted. Many doctors and nurses are unaware of the AE reporting. Also, doctors were disciplined by the College for filling them out. Dr. Charles Hoffe was one of those doctors.

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Thank you for saying that

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Not reporting adverse effects is, in the minimum, complicity in murder. And the governments that collude in not reporting are complicit in the act of murder. Medical doctors who don't use their medical education to study all sides - are, in the minimum, negligent - and, if they have patients, directly or indirectly, certainly their Hippocratic "Do no harm" in the minimum, is in violation not including complicity.

Are those conclusions too harsh?

There are millions of professionals who are either gagged or worse. Think of how much positivity they could do if united.

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When will all be held accountable

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Never! These evil people who know better are hiding the evidence of their incompetence that killed their fellow citizens. It’s in their own self interest to keep this news hidden to avoid being jailed for life or getting the death penalty reinstated here in Canada. They will suffer the eternal consequences one day soon enough if they don’t repent and reveal their dark deeds. May God have mercy on the poor unsuspecting citizens who fell for this evil vaxx campaign. 🙏🏻

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Incompetence may be the wrong word. There are many psychopaths.

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It's up to us. No one is going to save us. No one is going to step out of line within the present system. The perks weigh heavily upon them, you could say. Trying to encourage those I know who know to speak up feels arduous at times, even futile more often than not. However. It won't stop until we stand up and stop it. It might take years.

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Great question Jeannette. Once the dark masses learn to value themselves enough to stand up to their perpetrators.

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This is very interesting information. Why are the 8% which they refer to as a significant amount not included on the graphs and why aren't the recurring conditions listed with the number of people affected?

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Of course I can’t be sure, but it’s likely they did not want ‘other including cancer’ showing up as the third most common serious adverse event. Note their bars only add up to 83.3%, so they are leaving out 16.7%, 8 of which makes up the ‘other including cancer’ category. The absolute numbers will be so underreported as to be useless, but of course they are also not reporting them I’m surprised they are reporting anything, really. The lack of curiosity about the biggest human experiment ever is not an error.

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