Still flabbergasted to this day that so many fell for the propaganda and the fear porn, it is a sad situation. Would have believed that individuals possessed better critical thinking skills. A vaccine, for a novel virus, developed in a matter of mere months, really?? That alone had me on high alert, then the vilification started, followed by the word "mandatory" or else. Perhaps my inherent suspicious nature took me down all the proverrbial rabbit holes but thank goodness for it.

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We're all in this together

Two weeks to flatten the curve

Safe and effective

Its for your safety

Yadda yadda yadda

Trust = GONE

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Wow now that' was great you were able to access that! What regions does this particular report cover?

How many per page? My gosh, this is NOT normal! Thank you for leading this inquiry!

Thanks for all you are doing!

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"Oncologist: "Cause Unknown" Is a Crime and a Cover-Up

"The number one cause of death in Alberta in 2021 was 'cause unknown,' and that's never happened before," lamented Dr. William Makis.

"We had 3,400 Albertans die of 'cause unknown.' And again, it's because the proper autopsies are not being done. The pathologists are aware of it. The health authorities are aware of it. They're discouraging autopsies from being done."

from Dr. Judy Mikovits on TELEGRAM


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Such a tragedy!

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Thank-you for posting this important information.

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The link to this 2100 page pdf is defective and not responding. Please post the actual pdf on this site and/or in segments if limited sizes are an issue.

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for some reason the link lead me to 'file too large to open' hope to see this file

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