If the powers that be would stop with weather manipulation ie: chem trails and cloud seeding we would have no climate issues!

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We have no climate issues now. There's nothing that needs to be done.

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The need to stop creating super storms and lighting fires.....

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And all those pieces won't amount to a hill of beans because carbon isn't the main driver of "climate change." They're misdiagnosing the problem and assigning futile solutions that at the end of the day will cost us dearly.

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Hold on. China's just built another coal fired power station this afternoon, with another due this evening. Indeed, several a day for some time. Oh dear.

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All we've done is give China the industrial and manufacturing advantage. They ain't playing by the unratified Paris Protocols rules.

Either our rulers are spectacular doofuses or they're doing it deliberately.

This is driven by questionable science that has crossed over into the dogmatic realm.

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They left the Paris Accord and UN's Agenda 21 and formed the BRICS which is a development and industrialization with technological advancements - claiming multi-polarity and world peace... keeping my eyes wide open on things BRICS as the opposing factor for taking down the Fiat current sea and the WEST in general... BUT with Trump Cards at play, we could potentially see a Civil WAR that breaks down North America into regions/factions... not sure about other option of the red button should the Obama/ Biden tribe behind Harris getting in would be a COMPLETE RESET

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Absolutely deliberate. It’s all justification for many things - with a few well funded doofus’ along the way to pedal the wheels.

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This low lifer is a full on WEF puppet and Libtard...if it's lips are moving it's lying

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1999 late September: I'm standing outside twice a day to water my newly sodded lawn, because it's in the low 30Cs. It wasn't an existential threat back then that we had late summer warmth.

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Climate Changes every second - it's nothing more than a catchy phrase developed by Maurice Strong and Mark Carney!

AND with testing how stupid the sheeple are at accepting their doctrines of destruction (sorry the climate change narrative really pisses me off) not aiming at you AT ALL :)

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The poster child for a Low IQ Red Rat.

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Agree with Anne Neufeld’s comment. This Libersl whiner might want to do some real homework about the 70 years damaging impacts on our global environment and climate caused by reckless geoengineering and weather control. We aren’t the culprits, neither are cattle or other creatures — these Woke globalists and their coverup, lies and bilking us for carbon taxes are the problem. See also https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org

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I believe in climate change.

I also believe that it will keep on changing.

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12,000 years ago the land we live on was covered by ice 2 miles thick. Thank God for “climate change” but pity the fools who think they can or should be able to stop it now.

BTW, I am pretty sure it was just as hot and the weather was just as volatile in the 1930s, but that doesn’t support the narrative.

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I agree , it really depends on where the historical temperature starting point is for comparison . There is good agricultural land in the northern parts of Canada and other northern areas of the world . A few degrees warmer and it would be a game changer for these areas.

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Exactly - like almost by the minute!

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Uneducated unhinged corrupt politician. If worried about pollution charge the polluters! Nothing to do with Climate Change. Back in the day and presently, some summers were hotter(Indian Summer) some winters colder! It’s a cycle.

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WHO HAS EVER GOT A CARBON REBATE? Must be only Liberal insiders

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26°C in Ottawa at noon today (79°F). Mealy-mouthed liars, even in the face of reality. They all need to be thrown in jail for what they have done to us with the scamdemic and the ruined economy. Traitors all—puppets of the WEF. The coldest and wettest Spring in a decade and an early Autumn with cool temperatures in this solar minimum. The Sun controls the atmospheric temperature, not a trace gas in the troposphere. All life comes from CO2 and these liars want to eliminate it.

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Very interesting. Obviously you know that a solar minimum followed by a maximum is normal, but what isn't normal is the rapidly weakening magnetosphere (20%+ reduction since 1890—Carrington Event of 1859 will most likely happen again soon under relatively normal solar conditions. https://www.space.com/the-carrington-event). In May & August 2024, the aurora borealis was seen as far south as Mexico. Here's a good resource, too: https://www.youtube.com/@Suspicious0bservers/videos Cheers.

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"Protecting the environment" - BULLSHIT.

How about major polluters? All those plastic masks that you still see in ditches and beaches.

If you were serious, you'd be doing something. Not taking our money.

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There has literally been 2 hurricanes in the Atlantic this year, but somehow it's the worst year ever. And being 30 in Ottawa in September is not unheard of if one just looks at past weather for the region. It's been hotter in fact. https://www.extremeweatherwatch.com/cities/ottawa

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Atlantic waters cooled this year due to la nina - meaning the hurricane's not only reduced power and size but also impact... apparently.

There is WAY too much weather manipulation to tell whether or not the la nina is in charge or the manipulators are.

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Such a shame how Liberal & woke the City of Burlington has become over the past 15 years; it used to be a traditional-conservative stronghold but they put this MP in power. The mayor's shocking vaxx requirement for City employees on January 1st, 2022, announced with very short notice after going through late 2021 with optional testing, should never be forgotten and there's still no accountability for that—it was quietly rescinded, without media coverage, in mid-2023, not mid-2022!!

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The heatwaves in the 1930s were much more dangerous than what we have in 2024, where warm days are seen as new records. Weather manipulation, dimming sunlight and rendering solar collecting ineffective, is what she should be concerned about and not fearmongering.

We also don't want to breath-in the chemicals being sprayed from jets on an almost daily basis. It is outrageous that "they" can get away with this abuse.

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Another special idiot of the WEF puppet regime

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JT with breasts.

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