This is great news. Does it open the door for him to charge them with assault? According to the story they struck him in the midsection.

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Well this is great news indeed!

So what do you think might be behind this change of heart in the judicial system????

Is there ANY chance that there is justice actually occurring? OR ???

Any thoughts?

Seems all things like roads lead to ROME here as well so - as much as I appreciate this shift I'm also very dubious about this at some level...

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Six factors often act as a prelude to a full psychopathic takeover:

Any forces in society that attack freedom of speech, freedom of inquiry, freedom of criticism, etc.

Common sense disappears on a wide scale.

Social order itself collapses.

Justice vanishes.

Cultural primitivism exists, is imported, or resurfaced.

Psychologically limited, demented, and weak leadership occurs.



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I think any discussion of psychopaths has to take account of their enablers, the narcissists. There are far more narcissists than psychopaths, the point being that they are easily manipulated by the psychopath simply by feeding their ego. Make them feel special and they'll follow you like an obedient dog, to the point of believing the thoughts you planted in their head are actually their own.

The poster boy for this is our own Dear Leader, Justin T. who may possibly be a psychopath, but is most definitely a narcissist. The two tend to go together, whether in one person or in groups. Their ultimate victims, besides the innocent bystanders like ourselves, are the true believers. This too is a syndrome that needs to be understood so we can avoid becoming one ourselves.

Eric Hoffer - The True Believer - Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements


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For an example of the excesses of the police in Britain and the fascist regime that permits that, I strongly recommend you watch this guy's videos. He is right in the thick of several of the recent protests, and in one of them was even illegally arrested himself. He talks to the people and asks them what it's all about. Gives them a voice. I don't think you'll find better first hand reporting than his.


The original link wasn't working properly so I'm posting this one. You can click through to the rest of his videos. All worth watching.


<end edit>

We were all shocked by the heavy handed response of police at the end of the trucker's protest - something not generally seen in Canada. Well, that's the norm in Britain now. The UK, land of my birth, is in serious trouble and I fear this is just the beginning. When people have nothing to lose they tend to lose it, and the working class at this point has just about lost it all. It's not about race or religion although those get played up to keep us divided. It's about CLASS and always has been. The rich vs everyone else, and the lengths the .001% will go to to keep the rest of us down.

Having said all that, should I visit the UK I might be arrested myself for hate speech or spreading disinformation, whatever. The cops will even come to your house now if you post a mean tweet and hurt someone's feelings. I didn't believe that myself until I saw it on YouTube.

This is nothing new actually. The same tactics were applied to the IRA or anyone supporting them. They've just broadened that approach to include anyone who disagrees with them. A genuine police state. Reminds me of Franco's Spain, where I lived for a while in the 70's.

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One thing that would certainly clean up policing in this country is if there were consequences for police officers not following the law, which as law enforcement agents they are required to know. In the present example multiple breaches were made, so a court ordered fine, suspension or dismissal reflecting the seriousness of the infraction would be appropriate.

Some work places, like the railroad industry or tanker industry where I used to work, have point systems, just like on your driver's licence. Exceed track speed or derail a freight car, lose some points. Fail to wear a hard hat or reflective vest, points lost. After you accumulate a certain number of points, you're up for review and possibly suspension. Keep it up and you're gone.

I used to resent the fact that my every move was tracked, but today I realize it was necessary, just like traffic rules are necessary. I also realize it protects me as well as the public, who might lodge a false claim. Besides, you're supposed to do the job correctly as defined in your employment contract. Stick to that and you won't get any points, maybe even a bonus at year's end as an incentive.

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Many years ago we used wire tapping frequently without a warrant because we could however you were not allowed to submit it as evidence. I and many others had much success in bringing very dangerous people to trial and gaining convictions lawfully and that was a good thing in my opinion. I realize that quite a few people would object to this and they are welcome to their opinion.

In the 1980,s the RCMP taped a motorcycle gang raping and killing two girls in Marham Ontario that tape was not listened to until well after. It was horrific to listen to and worse still it could not be used in any way.

The Ottawa Police were way out on a limb and were wrong in everything they did so they deserve to loose the case, I rather suspect that they were poor witnesses like so many others today and that reflects on very poor hiring and teaching.

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Another one for us, may the storm carry on. None of us deserved any other their ridicule and punishment, we are Canadians, and this case shows that "that still means something".

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I was told pepper spray is legal to carry so long as marked for use on animals and not humans. If marked as for use on humans it is an illegal weapon. If you use it on a human, no matter what label, that is assault with a weapon.

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Having bear spray on you is not illegal it is all about your intent to use it however carrying it with you in Toronto etc could be deemed by a judge to be a problem.

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Good news. Now begins the legal retribution against Ottawa Police and any other police force who used disgraceful tactics against peaceful citizens!

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