In a significant victory for free speech, on November 23, 2023, an Ontario judge asserted that human rights legislation "does not prohibit public discussion of anything." This declaration supports teacher Carolyn Burjoski, who faced silencing during a Waterloo Region District School Board meeting while expressing concerns about transgender-themed books in elementary school libraries.
This is fantastic! A very good win indeed, hope Trudeau is paying attention 'cause I believe there's going to be many more "wins" for we "the people" before his time is up!
The real issue here is not free speech, it's about protecting minors from inappropriate material, especially elementary school children. We need iron clad laws with serious consequences or this kind of crap will just continue. What kind of crap is that, you ask? Foisting personal opinions on minors that are unsupported by any solid scientific evidence for starters, but it goes beyond that, and to illustrate I'll give an example from my own childhood.
When I was in grade 3 my friend Jamie came to me all excited because he'd found a book with 'barenaked ladies' in the library which he wanted to show me. Turned out it was a book about the holocaust, with lots of extremely gruesome photographs of the kind you've all no doubt seen. Among them was one photo of naked women lined up, most likely just before they were murdered. I was shocked. Not just by the content, but by the fact that Jamie was focused on that photo alone, while the context completely escaped him. It didn't escape me. That moment was burned into my brain when I was only 8 years old, well before the age where that sort of thing should be discussed with a child, let alone seen. Whoever thought it was a good idea to have that particular book in an elementary school library should have been fired.
The problem here is that any settlement the court orders will come out of the taxpayer's pocket. Most likely in the case of the personal suit against this Piatkowski character as well, since it happened while he was in an official position. Governments routinely indemnify their employees against lawsuits, otherwise no one would ever take a government position, or so the argument goes. I'm not a lawyer, but if you ask one I'm sure they'd tell you I'm correct.
Well it is good to know there are some ethical, moral judges in Canada who uphold free speech and care about the education of our children!! SHAME ON THE SCHOOL BOARD for what they did!!
I hope she gets every damn penny from those bastards. 👍
This is fantastic! A very good win indeed, hope Trudeau is paying attention 'cause I believe there's going to be many more "wins" for we "the people" before his time is up!
Good for her!!!
Awesome to hear. Hope more injustice is corrected at these sick woke nutters in our schools and in Canada. ENOUGH is ENOUGH...STOP THE INSANITY.
The real issue here is not free speech, it's about protecting minors from inappropriate material, especially elementary school children. We need iron clad laws with serious consequences or this kind of crap will just continue. What kind of crap is that, you ask? Foisting personal opinions on minors that are unsupported by any solid scientific evidence for starters, but it goes beyond that, and to illustrate I'll give an example from my own childhood.
When I was in grade 3 my friend Jamie came to me all excited because he'd found a book with 'barenaked ladies' in the library which he wanted to show me. Turned out it was a book about the holocaust, with lots of extremely gruesome photographs of the kind you've all no doubt seen. Among them was one photo of naked women lined up, most likely just before they were murdered. I was shocked. Not just by the content, but by the fact that Jamie was focused on that photo alone, while the context completely escaped him. It didn't escape me. That moment was burned into my brain when I was only 8 years old, well before the age where that sort of thing should be discussed with a child, let alone seen. Whoever thought it was a good idea to have that particular book in an elementary school library should have been fired.
The problem here is that any settlement the court orders will come out of the taxpayer's pocket. Most likely in the case of the personal suit against this Piatkowski character as well, since it happened while he was in an official position. Governments routinely indemnify their employees against lawsuits, otherwise no one would ever take a government position, or so the argument goes. I'm not a lawyer, but if you ask one I'm sure they'd tell you I'm correct.
Well it is good to know there are some ethical, moral judges in Canada who uphold free speech and care about the education of our children!! SHAME ON THE SCHOOL BOARD for what they did!!