This isn’t just sad, it’s an outrageous crime:

1) Uninformed consent of risks involved (blank package insert, no consultation), a violation of the Nuremberg Code re experimental gene therapy drug

2) Battery- coerced into it to see her dying father and “do her part” in the fake emergency

3) Malpractice for negligence - emergency doc did not order scans to determine condition, writing her off as mentally unstable)

4) Malpractice for denying treatment (hospital twice offered her Casteau’s euthanasia while denying her proper counseling and life-affirming options

5) Fraud - empty hospital covid wards + media propaganda, fraudulent PCR tests, fraudulent death certificates of covid ‘deaths’ to create an ‘emergency’, no govt monitoring of adverse events while ignoring deaths & injuries in other countries like Israel, govt failure to report to public these events, etc etc

Violation of Ontario privacy laws on vaccination status.

High time for a class action law suit against Trudeau, Dr Tam, the federal Minister of ‘health’, the Ontario Medical Officer of ‘health’ (Dr Keiran Moore ?), Premier Thug Ford and his ‘science table’, the Ontario Minister of ‘health’ and the head of the institution her father was at, & the Ontario Minister of Education. Also a lawsuit for fraud against Moderna for submitting fraudulent clinical trial data claiming ‘safe & effective’.

These DNA contaminated mRNA shots haven’t saved any lives but have killed tens of thousands, just look at Canada’s excess deaths since the rollout!!

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Also the CEO of that hospital.

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What are we doing...

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I am horrified. A beautiful vibrant young mother paralyzed. She endured so much in her young life and now this. It’s so wrong and evil. I shared your story to Dr John Campbell on YouTube. He’s got 3 million subscribers.

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Absolutely criminal. Politicians, Doctors, big pharma, government officials, police , media , military all complicit. #premeditatedmurder

As usual money will make it all disappear and nobody will be held accountable.

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All the people involved in this evil jab deserve the death penalty. Then they will fall into the hands of the living God and get their eternal reward. Evil has a face. And it is Trudeau and his minions and then the provincial premieres and their medical henchmen. Truly awful story, and this dear lady still lives! What about the Hundreds of Thousands of our fellow Canadians who lie in the grave?!?! Who stands for them? This is evil that intends to destroy what remains of Canada. We look to Heaven from whence our help comes from. 😢🙏🏼

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My dear friend in Kelowna had 2 Pfizer; lost the ability to speak and swallow, progressed to full paralysis. Needed a feeding tube and 24hr care. Suffered 27 months and then chose MAiD 4 months ago. Her vaccine compensation claim also “being reviewed” 🤬

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I'm so sorry Sharon. There should be people in prison for this, but how do you fight a criminal organization 🤔.

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Thank you. Heads need to roll...

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Very sorry as well Sharon, I hope to see a day when these criminals are held accountable for the countless deaths and injuries caused by the injections.

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Thank you.

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An MD had to whisper into her ear that he thought she did not have a psychiatric problem. Had to surreptitiously arrange for an immediate MRI. Why? Because they ALL knew that they were seeing a vaccine injury. They ALL knew that they have been seeing these types of post-vaccination injuries on an increasing basis. But they were either coerced or bribed or cooperated willfully to hide the emergence of vaccine injuries. This is nothing but criminal. All tenets of the Nuremberg code have been smashed by our 'medical' profession and its governing bodies.

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I am writing in response to your recent coverage regarding Kayla Pollock's transverse myelitis diagnosis, following vaccination. My heart goes out to her and others who have been affected, and I am compelled to offer assistance to anyone in need.

I am reaching out through this platform with a plea to help me connect with Kayla Pollock and others who have been impacted by transverse myelitis.

I aim to provide insights into redox therapy, given that inflammation serves as the root cause of this condition. Redox therapy operates by managing the primary cause of inflammation, namely oxidative stress. Regardless of the initial trigger leading to the condition's onset, the key lies in halting or regulating the inflammatory response.

If you or anyone you know has been affected, please consider reaching out to me. I am eager to extend a helping hand and arrange a Zoom meeting with a doctor I've been collaborating with, who is an expert in redox therapy. This meeting could provide valuable insights and potentially open new avenues of treatment and support.

Time is of the essence, and I believe that together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those affected by transverse myelitis. Your assistance in facilitating these connections would be deeply appreciated and could offer hope to individuals facing challenging circumstances.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. Please feel free to reach out to me through this platform, and let's work together to provide support and solutions to those in need.


Deanna Leigh

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Beyond a travesty for this young women, not only highlighting the crimes against humanity perpetuated by our government but also the complete failure of our health care system.

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Unbelievable!!!the horrific consequences.Lird I ask for your Godly divine intervention to heal this young woman and others like her. Bring all the resources that she needs ,restore her body and everything that has been stolen from her. Let justice come forth to this evil agenda , expose it,and the people responsible for it.

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Adding insult to Injury: serious adverse injury to the vaccine, then offered Maid as solution...

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So so sad...terrible

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My mother died after getting her Covid vaccine. I warned her not to take it, but she didn't listen. Now, she is dead. I miss her very much.

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So sorry for your and your family's loss.

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There are no words. How is this NOT front page news? I cannot explain what is going on without appeal to supernatural evil. May God and Jesus heal this woman. I pray for her.

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We pay trillions to the tyranny aka governments, and they use it to maim and kill us

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They steal from us, and use the money to kill us.

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This lady may benefit from this interview

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How disgusting

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Most Canadians are Communists, and so they defer to the government in almost every aspect of their lives. They take the vaccine when they are told, they wait for medical care when they are told, they do whatever they are instructed to do and rarely challenge authority. It's not that they are bad people, it's that they have been raised to listen to authority all the time and they feel helpless when things like this happen.

That's why this woman's story isn't suprising to me, as I have lived in Canada my whole life and know what a horrible country it has become. She seems so sweet and gentle, and she is taking her predicament much better than I would. I really respect her for holding herself together.

I had a family relative who was infected with a parasite and he couldn't move his legs as a result. He went to an Ontario hospital and they had to transfer him to another Ontario hospital because the first one didn't have the equipment to diagnose him adequately. Quite literally, there are places in Africa that have better healthcare than many places in Canada, despite Canadians collectively paying hundreds of Billions per year in tax dollars for our public healthcare system. My Aunt also died from Brain Cancer because she couldn't get a basic MRI from an Ontario hospital. She complained of headaches for 6 years, but she couldn't get in for an appointment for an MRI, despite pleading for one in front of every doctor she saw, until it was too late and the cancer had advanced too drastically throughout her body.

Don't ever move to Canada if you are unhealthy because you won't get timely medical care if you need it one day. Our system is one of the worst in the world.

The only good thing about the Scamdemic is that Canadians have finally come to realize that Canada is a terrible place to live. We have lost faith and we know there isn't much hope left. Americans think there country is screwed up, but you folks in the USA have no idea how bad it can get - Canada is much worse.

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First we do this to these people, and then we ignore them.

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