Public Citizen has identified several unredacted Pfizer contracts that describe the outcome of these negotiations. The contracts offer a rare glimpse into the power one pharmaceutical corporation has gained to silence governments, throttle supply, shift risk and maximize profits in the worst public health crisis in a century. We describe six examples from around the world below.

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"the worst public health crisis in a century."

So we were told, but why repeat one of their own talking points when we knew as early as March 2020 that it was a manageable situation that could be handled with repurposed drugs, and that there was never any need for a vaccine, much less a gene therapy disguised as a vaccine.

Now that the damage has been done (or mission accomplished depending on your point of view), we can hang big pharma and the medical profession out to dry, along with the politicians that enabled it all. Won't make any difference as they were all expendable anyway.

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Very well said!

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Fully expendable and we have masses of them ....

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

Biotech Idolatry: DOD-Pfizer contracts have replaced US Federal Constitutions and Laws ..............................................................................................................................................................


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Would you consider enabling download options?

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It's very relevant to know that India REFUSED to allow Pfizer within it's borders during the pandemic due to the indemnity clauses Pfizer insisted on. Nobody in the mainstream media will report this.

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What is going on here?

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Ursula Von det unterhosen just got re-elected. Dumb corrupt cow.

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3200 signatures. We demand action in Canada. As sovereign citizens, it is our RIGHT and we consent to arrest Prime Minister Trudeau and his ministers for treason under common law. MPs must protect Parliament from traitorous conspiracies using "Parliamentary Privilege." Trudeau's sharing of secrets with China and campaign funding from them endangers national security.

Sovereigns Petition




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This is great news!!! Tracking down the nuts and bolts of the deal to alter humanity.

Without going into serious detail in this chat response there are serious concerns about the shot.

Setting aside the nanotechnology monitoring tracking technology and focusing more on what I think is far more sinister and earth shattering.

First, mRNA is a 40 year old process used to write code into a nucleus through a process called TRANSLATION. That is one part of the DNA mutation.

The other one is the DNA that exists in each vial that is directly spliced into the cell called TRANSFECTION!!

A double whack of code insertion and writing that is completely randomized!!

All that other stuff is just to track, monitor and record your mutation through all phases of your frame shifted DNA strand.

Who began us on this path of frankenscience and saw it through to delivery?

Was it the same guy involved in the Anthrax mRNA deployment into Army personnel with mass destruction and death?

Was it the guy who wrote a book in Feb 2022 Lies My Government Told Me published by RFK JR’s Children’s Health Defence?

Was it a frankenscientist “Medical Freedom Movement Hero”?

What if that hero was a new age Dr. Mengele?

Can you guess who?

I have a new Substack (tormatime) that is free. Please sign up for free as I will be revealing much more than who the self described granddaddy of mRNA process is.

Don’t forget what I said at the beginning, mRNA is a process of writing code and translating it into the nucleus to change you forever.

For those of you who can’t wait, the name is MALONE.

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Timing on release of information and elections is uncanny.

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Pharmaceutical companies are like an insidious invasive species. They have spent decades plotting and planning their goals. Own the governments, healthcare agencies, medical journals, and plethora of doctors and professors all for their bottom line. This is so dangerous to our lives. Are Our governments too weak to see the writing on the wall? They are turning into mere puppets for the pharmaceutical conglomerate. This needs to change quickly.

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Let the show begin

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