Again the most obvious solution is being overlooked. Instead of hiding Trudeau, or at least some of his high-level cabinet members, should have met with the truckers to peacefully resolve the issues. There was no authentic security risk to prevent negotiations. Trudeau just wanted to criminalize the democratic resistance and opposition to his globalist agenda.

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I'm sure he views himself as a lion. The diesel & Macdonald's crowd are sheep who's opinions are not worthy of his attention unless called upon to vote for his party in a sunny days landslide election. It's a pity that so many worthless minded liberals (are there any other kind) actually agree with him and support his utter contempt for them like he's some kind of poutine flavoured royalty with a junior burger hair cut.

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He did what be needed. They should have never been let into the city and when they blocked hiways and borders they should have been arrested right then. He didn’t go far enough. Not even close. They should have never beeen allowed in the city.

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Democracy can be such a pain in the ass sometimes.

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Oh, but the crown was ok to block our right to move in this nation that is guaranteed by law? They had no right and that is the decision, one that quite frankly surprised me. If you like being managed so much, join the military or go to Ontario or BC. They like pushing people around.

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Great job with this report. I love that you presented both sides of the argument to us without showing favour towards either side (despite us readers knowing which side you favour ....... and despite, probably, in excess of 99% of your readership -- including me -- supporting that same side: to uphold the lower court's ruling and defeat the appeal). Thanks for keeping the un-and-undercovered stories coming our way! --Brian K, Stoney Creek ON

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But of course it's completely OK for terrorists to hold hate/rage filled protests, causing traffic grid locks, firing off flares, burning the Canadian flag, chanting "DEATH TO CANADA" and no EA invoked! This crap needs to stop now!

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Meanwhile the death to Canada crowd, can do whatever.

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The biggest death to Canada crowd is our own government

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Hahahahahaha you people….

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That should be a wake up call for ANYONE to prepare for what is coming. They actually mean it and we should damn well take them at face value. If you stood opposite to them screaming death to the immigrants you'd find yourself locked up as in the UK, Australia and New Zealand.

Forewarned is Forearmed.

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Hahahahaha yup. You fringe have zero credibility.

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Zero credibility? What like safe and effective? Why don't you argue that one, we'll wait. Where you posting from Leitrim Ontario?

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The AGC is another wef puppet, just as little potato, the lover of communism.

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Then why the hell aren't using it now on the protestors threatening to take down Canada!?!

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Because our own government is taking down Canada

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Omg you people

Are So dramatic. Get over it and move on. Lordy. He did exactly what was called

For to get the fucking fringe out of the city and get hiways and borders open. They should have never let the twits invade the city.

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Don't you have something to crochet Mildred?

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To summarize..

ACG: wah wah wah😭

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Whacka doodle. Do you guys ever have a life. Are you ever happy onion ever smile. Do you have goals and loves and likes. Or just negative and hateful all the time. Must be exhausting to be so full of hate for a country that the rest of us love and appreciate. Must be a maga. Whiney and hateful. Everyday all


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Lmfao....you're contradicting yourself seeing thst you're the one endlessly trolling here. You couldn't grab your ankles harder for your daddy government. Get bent...I know you like it.

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Truth will always triumph over lies and tyranny. The truckers had the guts, common sense, and courage that many others lacked to stand up and oppose the tyranny of lies and forced injections imposed by government. It was either stand up and peacefully protest or face the loss of their bodily autonomy and their freedoms and livelihood.

The Canadian truckers shook the country and the world, sparking a wave of peaceful civil disobedience that saw farmers in the Netherlands take down a corrupt government, and similar peaceful protests in Italy, the US, and elsewhere. Honest hardworking non-Woke Canadian truckers got out there while everyone else was sitting in mindless fear and wearing masks, and standing 6 feet apart, and reminded us that “we the people” are NOT pawns of elected officials.

The truckers stood up against the insanity of being locked down for a useless dangerous experimental jab, and it turns out they were right on the mark. The gene therapy experimental injections didn’t stop cv19 or flatten any curve. Instead, they were and still are a crime against humanity, a fact now MORE than proven by the overwhelming and unprecedented numbers of sudden deaths, heart attacks and myocarditis in young people, incapacitated pilots, turbo cancers, and the list goes on.

Anyone who has any mental power at all to reason and expose truth from lies knows that you also don’t generate a 5,000 page report out of thin air about injuries and deaths as Canada’s National Citizens Inquiry into COVID19 did. A report which governments continue to totally ignore.

Unconstitutional actions by government MUST be stopped, and if not for the truckers and Canada’s National Citizens Inquiry, we would all be permanently stripped of our Charter and Constitutional rights. Let the Supreme Court’s decision be upheld. That’s my prayer and I am sticking to it.

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??? If we had a functioning Attorney General in Canada in the first place this never would have happened. Of course he's going to appeal but let's mimic the court and view it as moot since the emergency measure is now NOT in place and has been ruled upon. I don't know law but it only seems fair as that is how the government gets out of defending itself on so many other other matters of moral decay they have embraced.

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Maga just can’t live on……

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