Thank you for excellence in journalism!

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Oh my, and the Montreal Mayor collapses... gosh... as the author writes: "must be climate change!"


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Did she collapse into her own footprint?

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I think most of us know what caused the "unspecified deaths". Now add the increase in suicides, due to unlawful lock downs and the increase in drug overdoses - the evil oligarchs are getting exactly what they want.

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Suicides are listed in the chart. I suspect drug OD are part of self harm listed with suicides?

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The CV19 numbers can't be trusted. How many were at death's door to begin with? How many died of other causes but were listed as CV19 because they happened to test positive with an unreliable PCR test, but otherwise showed no symptoms?

More importantly, how many actually did die from CV19 because they were denied adequate treatment with proven therapeutics, such as HCQ or IVM? How many deaths from Remdesivir or improper ventilation?

Canadian government statistics are about as credible as 1930's grain production numbers from the USSR which showed record harvests while half the nation was starving.

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Yes that's not even touching those who "died suddenly" or who died from a "short" spell of cancer - aka turbo-cancers... just lost a local friend to this...

When ignorance is bliss... until it's not!

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Very ambiguous data presentation. How many overdoses, especially fentanyl? How many MAID deaths? Any change in average and median age by cause?

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All important questions! NCI National Citizens Inquiry.ca is a great place to start looking for Canadians who care to find the reality of this horrible situation.

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I suspect drug OD are part of the self harm listed along side with suicides? MAID would be good to know? or would that be self harm as well? Need a breakdown to separate the data.

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That's just deaths. Disability numbers are apparently also through the roof but I haven't seen any stats on that yet.

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Where's MAID in Canada figures? Oh, I know. Those numbers aren't separated out because the "cause" of death is listed under disease or mental illness or poverty or anxiety - ten thousand in 21 and 13K in 22.

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Dec 6, 2023
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Unsafe and Defective - objective scientific proof.

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