Medical apartheid. This Canadian taxpaying woman was denied potentially lifesaving treatment in Canada. The greedy vaccine promoting criminals need to be brought to justice - unlikely though since our courts appear to have fallen to the corruption. If you still think Canada is a democratic country you are living in a dream world. The reality is that Canada is becoming a nightmarish totalitarian society. If you think this could never happen to you...wait a few years before you are told what you must inject or have implanted in your body in order to maintain your "freedoms". There is no such thing as bodily autonomy and you must be sacrificed for the "greater good"

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So Sad. Such a Corrupt Communist Canada we live in. With Castro Jr running it into the Ground

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Heartbreaking. How a person can work all their lives and be a decent citizen then the country throws them away like trash. So disgusted. Rest in peace dear lady. You for sure are in a better place.

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Our system is beyond broken! This is a clear example. And such horrific discrimination as well!

We wrote an article about the crippled state of the Canadian healthcare system:


For Canadian readers, we have a Calgary-based company offering premium health insurance for an incredibly affordable price. Visit our page here https://www.klarityvip.com/

Please don't wait to die waiting!

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Phuck 💔

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We're willing to let people die over this hysteria. The triumph of pseudoscience. Let that sink in.

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Where's Danielle? You know...she did promise to defend the rights of people like Sheila.

And she did nothing. Absolutely nothing.

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