So what’s this ‘evolving’ evidence they speak of to justify removing their immoral vaccine mandates?!?! What a bunch of fools running our provinces and federal government! There was never a legitimate need to mandate anything. I hope that the governments of Canada and provinces are sued to Kingdom come and are ruined economically as their just rewards so richly deserve. 😠

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The evolving illusion of lies. I mean, you can't make this shit up. Actually, they did make it up and people bought it. That's why we're in this mess.

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Ass-covering is starting to enter the full mode phase with the misdirection and limited hangout of disingenuous’ informed accommodation’.

Next up: Bargaining PsyOps as they seek to avoid the Anger of fulsome admittance by continuing to bury the facts.

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Feb 21, 2024
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Agree . Jail Trudeau. Jail Freeland. Jail Tam.

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100% And ALL of their assets, including tax shelters siezed for compensation to those they have injured and killed

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“…out commitment to respecting the choices & autonomy…”. Absolutely infuriating!!

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Agreed. These people are utterly depraved lying sacks of shit.

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The stench of lies is so overwhelming it could knock a buzzard off a shit wagon.

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Now for that Corrupt Evil, Evil Snowflake Bonnie Henry to reinstate all employees with back pay. She & Eby (Bill 36 to be blown up!) need to be thrown to the Wolves. Although I don’t think they would take them.

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Those people need to SUE and be made whole.

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The average people died from "PlanCovid" was 82 years old, it means was not an emergency!

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100% It was a mass media induced mass psychosis.

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This is pure rubbish. There was no pandemic, demonstrated by all cause mortality stats. The injections kill and injure or otherwise do nothing. "Unknown cause" is now the 3rd highest cause of death in Canada. "Dr Baffled" has no idea why this is happening because of his/her's fatty paycheck. The medical profession is full of cowards who remain silent while they witness the slaughter caused by the covid19 poison jabs every single day. The government and their agents are depraved liars and murders. They do not respect life. They have lost all legimacy to in any way represent the interests of the people.

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The average doctor gets about 30 minutes of education on vaccines so the pharmaceutical reps can tell them pretty much anything and they believe it.

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Well that's nice, however the damage has been done.

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Question: Do you feel society is over ruled with policies? Or is it for the betterment? The health industry is full of bureaucrats that do little else than sit and write idiotic policies. Gave the health authority the🖕when I left, wouldn't return now if I was begged too. F**k them!

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Their promise not to further abuse staff should be met with the utmost suspicion.

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Good news, but to little to late for this ignorant gov! Happy for the workers.

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Being one of the workers, (an RN) affected by the original no covid jab, no job scenario, I am delighted to be able to possibly return to my little part time testing duties. Do I believe the mandates was a complete miscarriage of Justice- yes I do!

Do I believe law suits and compensation for wages lost should go forward, yes I do. Some say tax payers will bear the brunt- I say if it hurts enough, Government will find high priced lawyers to hold big pharma accountable, after all 2.5 Billion for fraud was already paid by Pfizer in 2009.

Do I believe good and decent people were harmed by the mandates, yes I do! Do I believe some died directly due to the covid jab unnecessarily, absolutely!

Do I believe people should or should not subject themselves to such a product, I say, it is not my decision, it rests with the person rolling up their sleeve. Am I delighted I did not accept such a jab, absolutely- in spite of the enormous pressure to do so.

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Good for you. You are the amazing ones.

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I think they should all be sewed! They are backing down now because they have no choice! We the people have spoken and expect a resolution for our pain and suffering from this evil poison that has been injected into to all people all over the world! We need justice not promises or excuses! I am fed up with all of this Lying Bullshit! A very Angry Lady!

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"The Canadian Independent"

How independent are you really? I can't find anything on your substack that tells me who your founders are, your editors, your board of directors, your major donors, you don't have bylines on your articles and your 'about' page isn't even signed. Not very transparent if you ask me.

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