Much much too late buddy.. we won’t forget!!!

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I don't trust this guy. I do, however, agree that Canada seems to be governed by a uniparty that is directed by the corporate UN/WHO/WEF mafia. Currently, there is only one federal party talking about this., but is anyone listening?

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Which one?

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This guy is not Canadian. Period. Full-stop.

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This. Exactly!

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Don't hold your breath. What you are saying is what Trudeau did not Pierre.

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Traitor to all Canadians both of them

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Bunch of bs

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This guy is a piece of work!!! He is the REASON THE LIBERALS HAD CONTROL OVER CANADA. DO NOT EVER FORGET THE LIBERALS HAD A MINORITY GOVERNMENT UNTIL JAGMEET GAVE TRUDEAU "MAJORITY" making the opposition party too weak to make a difference.

"NEVER FORGET" Jagmeet NDP leader is bold LIAR and now after his bank account is full ,trying to win confidence blaming Trudeau. BACK STABBING MANIPULATIVE LIAR.

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Pathetic POS

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Too late, and F the NDP. Never again. The NDP has to go the way the Liberals are going to go, down to zero support. They are traitors to Canada and they should be treated as such.

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Jughead you certainly don't need another chance! Your a FRAUDULENT CRIMINAL!!!

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Bait and Switch is on!

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Always a double headed snake sitting on fence and knowing he will fall together with his most hated WEF bedfellow now forked out it‘s venom.

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Exactly. The only time a snake like him sheds its skin is to become a bigger snake.

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Yah a split from the coalition - well let’s see how he votes now - also to trash Conservatives in the same message just shows how untrustworthy worthy he really is - PP gets my vote

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I don't know about anyone else , but , isn't this the most desperate attempt , at the last minute to save a dead political career ?

You know all those bumper stickers about Trudeau ? I'd like to have one for this piece of ........work right now


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Split the Conservative vote: a sure slam dunk for Turdo! Planned?

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PPC is getting my vote.

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I will not split my vote like that we can't risk that the liberals or NDP will take advantage of our vote splitting I will vote conservative to ensure we are out of the world economic forum

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I would say you are the one splitting the vote. PPC are who you really want, so vote for them instead of the second best guy. I vote with my conscience. We all should.

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I'm voting for Pierre.

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And absolutely none of them have said a fucking word about the covid pandemic, the mandates, the closure and shutdown of independent businesses, or the toxic depopulation jabs and the landslide of illness and death that have followed them.

Government is not the solution to the situation we are in. Government is the problem regardless of who is at the helm.

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Exactly, nobody mentioned what they did during the “pandemic”. They ruined peoples health and lives, left children two years behind in development, ruined small businesses and health care is in shambles.

There is no forgiving or forgetting what they did.

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