He still spew’s out Lies….and this is his greatest acting role…..Curtain is closing on him and I guess the W.E.F told him to step down now…:) He has done the damage that was his job and paid well for his W.E.F part. He is a traitor of this Country and should be jailed now!

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A covert WEFer will be his replacement.

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Exactly 💯

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Well said Gail,the dominoes are falling in all the political areas of the world may it continue. I just hope a better and more honest class of leaders find a way through the various swamps.

We live and pray in hope.

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I wonder if he’ll be on a downward spiral after this.

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I personally doubt it only because this was a co-ordinated operation he was and is involved in. Who really knows what his next ‘reality’ show will be. Perhaps he has been promised (by the W.E.F) some kind of position in the uniting of Mexico, U.S and Canada…all in the name of Trade, BUT that is just one idea..stay tuned to see what the Globalist’s are up to next..

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He's going to move in with Jacinda Ardern so they can share security expenses.

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No one actually cares about either for there to be a credible threat.

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People will see that those who commit crimes against humanity will face justice and get a fair trial. No matter where they go, no matter how long it takes.

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Except for the irreversible damage his decisions have wrought on so many Canadians.

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Wherever they go, however long it takes, the perpetrators of crimes against humanity will be brought to justice.

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Yes I believe so. But frustrating for now.

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Yes totally agree

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Stepping down but proroguing parliament for MONTHS while he clings to power until the Libs find a new WEF controlled leader. Election now!!

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The theater actors will swap but the WEF script stays the same.

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I personally don’t think they have to find a new W.E.F controlled leader, I believe they have many lined up and ready to go. It is just a matter of when the next ‘act’ open’s. They all have to be in sync with each other….All Western Countries that is not just Canada and the U.S. and Mexico….going to be interesting to see what comes next for sure. This is what I see happening just my opinion,

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Couldnt agree more.Its all a circus show and is it going to matter anyhow who replaces Trudeau once Trump takes us over and helps usher us all into the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT .I mean afterall its written in The FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION / end game how the US,Canada and mexico will become “ The North American Union”.

All the " sheep" out there " oh yippee finally we will get a better liberal leader"🤬

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As for the timing…I wonder what is really going on here…The U.S. Dem’s want to shut down Government as well SO, the plot thickens…HMMMM! The Globalist’s have definitely got something up their sleeve’s….just sayin’!

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Fuck off until there are no more Fuck offs to find

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Unfortunately, there will always be more Fuck offs, aka psychopaths.

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It was a sociopathic, slithering, Slime Sinister.

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Yeah. Let’s deal with this one first lol

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Don't let him get away too far. He needs to stand trial.

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And remember Murder has no statute of limitations! So try him for murder, Now!

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Absolutely! Can’t just let him walk away from all the damage he’s wrought!

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Like the last couple years - people can't get complacent. Now is the time to be aggressively taking back our health on all fronts. Are you in Canada?

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Yes, in Canada.

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What a piece of shit human he is. Prick belongs in jail along with many others.

Why is it we never know where this $$ goes too? We never see the tally sheet ffs 🤦

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Yes, never held responsible for his actions, simply a game to him.

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Should end up wearing a piano wire necktie, and perched on a very, very, very, slowly lowering pedestal.

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About time. And prorogues to boot so we have no effective gov't while his party spends months picking a new leader ... again showing his true *love* for Canada. F**king tw*t.

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And, so that many MPs facing job loss will be guaranteed pensions.

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Meanwhile, Trump will become POTUS end of January so, what about the 25% tariff?

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Departure speech as expected. He will never accept blame for the damage he and the Liberal /NDP partnership have done to Canada. That’s what he gets for following the Democrat playbook.

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A garbage human right up until the end of his regime…….the only one close to his level of corruption and incompetence is his partner Jag.

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BUT don't Goalless gutless "garbage" nations need & demand garbage leaders? I don't think Jesus Christ could be elected Prime Ministership in Canada or the UK. I.e. too "homophobic" and against women killing babies! Satan and his "If it feels good do it." law is more in tune with the Hell-bound World today!

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Jan 6
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You nailed it! You & the UK “Not being religious” is the source of absuriditey ! We either live un Man’s law or “Our Creator’s” law [as USA founders put it!]

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Justin Trudeau you are a liar.

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The manuchurian candidate exits stage left. A new actor is waiting in the wings. The show must go on.

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flushing the turd eau eh

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Isn't it amazing that he says everything he's done has been with the encouragement of his family. Talk about shifting blame!

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The manchurian candidate is exiting stage left. A new actor is waiting in the wings. The show must go on.

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Trudea is recognized in US— our ground-swell cheering @ his leaving is only the beginning though as the Liberal party is just as corrupt. 4 min watch says it all.


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