Funny how the fact that the Nurnberg code forbids forced medical procedures wasn’t mentioned or considered.

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We need to keep pushing. This was, indeed, criminal

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I lost my job after 32 years for not taking the jab

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I wasn’t forced, rather I was a brainwashed zombie and took three mRNA . I no longer go to my job because I’m disabled now. You did the right thing.

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I’m so sorry! That is despicable. May God grant you richer blessings in spite of this injustice! 🙏🏻

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No back pay? Disgraceful. No compensation for impact on her life. Also disgraceful. The jab was useless and in some cases, dangerous, so should never had been mandated.

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Yes, over 2½ years ago and no back pay is absurd.

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I Hope this is precedent setting?

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Where were UNIFOR and all the other big unions when the Covid travesty was being implemented ? Siding with the government, that is where . Now that they see the tide is shifting and the truth is starting to leak out, they are trying to cover their asses and pretend the care about their members and not just the union dues they collect.

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She should have received not only full back pay but another million or so for this disgraceful behaviour by a medical facility.

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There was never anything 'reasonable' about treating a respiratory virus with a vaccine. This question was settled long ago: It cannot be done. The entire enterprise is a fraud from start to finish, as are the annual flu shots.

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How is thec FOI going that you received from Health Canada on adverse events. The arrive can app is a scsm. Dalian /Coradix got the contract in Aug 2019 which is over 4 months before anyone knew of a pandemic virus. They were gojng to add biometrics facial recognition and link to pcr testing and quarantine sites to the arrive can

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I am happy to see that decision being made. In my opinion, all medical staff should be back on the job. In my opinion, I also see the mistruths that Canada's professional health associations held for the last few years are crumbling in other countries. Canadians need truth.

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Very much looks like our mega watt facilities all over Nebraska, US

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Maybe I misread but she was fired for just cause but only is reinstated because she wasn't progressively disciplined

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She was reinstated because the employer did not have just cause. She said she wasn’t going to take the jab and the employer gave her a date for a termination meeting.

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