If only she had trashed businesses, chanted death to Canada cheered for terrorist groups. Threatened the right minority groups set some cars on fire, the police might have brought you hot chocolate.

But no you and your type set up bouncy castles, saunas, shoveled streets, and lowered crime.


Tyrant Trudeau's Canada wants none of that.

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Great news! There never should have been arrests etc for this bullshiite plandemic and

the commie government implementing total control over us....Our FREEDOMS were

trampled on! And for no good reason!

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Other than Trudeau having an outrageous temper tantrum at any Canadian that refused to comply to the scamdemic lockdown!!! Little potato dicktator :( #Pierre Poillievre CPC for Prime Minister

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Congrats Joanne! Thankyou for standing up for freedom.🙏

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The picture of her surrounded by the menacing baton crackers says so much. Especially in comparison to what happened last Friday in Montreal...

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From one baby boomer to another, " Well Done Joanne! ". Not all of us are blinded by Main Stream Media.

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Cannot say enough, good lady, Thankyou

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You’re a brave and smart woman Joanne Walsh!

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It’s good for her, but not a victory. It is aa judicial and gov’t cop out to prevent any favourable covid related precedent to be set. It is my understanding, that in our system, stayed charges are not dismissed but can be reinstated at any time by the crown. This is an illusory victory.

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Make sure it is the individuals responsible for these false claims against the Canadian citizens and sue them…. PERSONALLY…..and Not on the tax payers dime.

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Here in New Zealand, I too was offered a plea deal, eventually, after being arrested at our anti mandate protest and occupation of parliament grounds in Wellington. I turned down the offer and later the charge against me, and many others, was dropped anyway.

They had to be SEEN to be in control at the time but later it mattered little as the media directs public attention elsewhere.

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Thanks for clarity dave and of course it is a manipulation of the system- and devious!

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Town fined for inadequate wokness. Interesting how they pierce the veil of immunity when it suits the Canadian Swamp. Wake up friends or you will be compelled to be queer soon enough.


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At least a 5 ft tall Grandma had the guts to stand up for her rights. This is the meaning behind the phrase "True north strong and free" in our anthem. Exactly the type of people that make me glad I became a Canadian citizen.

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