Best of luck to him. Hope to see him prevail over the country that attacked him 👍

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A different take, perhaps. Putting aside that all lockdown mandates violated our rights, for the greater good (yeah right). I see from the Sharma case, just how far this country has fallen to an authoritarian state. Criminal to sell flowers on the street? Seriously? Permits for this, permits for that, no permit? Well fines, tickets, court cases for you! This is not the country I grew up in, the tip toe to tyranny has never been more real!

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A Canadian Hero

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“The Crown… is seeking… a custodial sentence…”. WTAF???

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Funny how some protests posed no health risks (ie BLM or George Floyd. In the U.S., I forget which medical group it was who said something along the lines of "social justice over public health' at the height of the lockdowns. Follow the science indeed.) - but others did (ie challenging the supremely stupid Covid restrictions that the authorities and experts seem intent on preserving). If the truckers were ANTIFA, I'm pretty sure the government wouldn't have declared an EA. In fact, Justin is on record as saying he'll support protests he AGREES with.

This has become a joke within an absurd joke at this point and our courts are displaying a level of daftness that's not funny.

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