MUST WATCH: Exclusive Video Shows CBSA Officers and Senior Management Attending a Drag Performance at Toronto Pearson International Airport While On Duty

A video provided exclusively to The Canadian Independent by a confidential source from within Toronto Pearson International Airport, shows footage of CBSA officers and senior management attending a drag performance behind closed doors on Tuesday, June 20, 2023, while on duty at the airport.

The employee who has come forward wishes to remain anonymous due to fear of reprisal.

The Canadian Independent has been informed that Pearson Airport's own CBSA director, Marija Cuvalo, was seen sitting in the front row of the drag performance.

The video captures a drag queen giving a lap dance to a fully uniformed CBSA agent.

The Canadian Independent was also told by its confidential source that while this performance went on the entire front-line CBSA operation was allegedly abandoned by CBSA management, resulting in chaos at the airport for two hours.

The Canadian Independent will continue to investigate this incident and seek official responses from the CBSA and Pearson Airport regarding the allegations raised by the video.

This exclusive footage and the revelations it presents highlight the urgent need for accountability and a thorough examination of the conduct of CBSA officers and management. As the story unfolds, it is essential that transparency and appropriate action be taken to address any potential misconduct and ensure the integrity of the CBSA's operations at one of Canada's busiest airports.