Calgary judge rules 27-year-old woman with autism can kill herself through medical assistance in dying (MAID)
Due to a publication ban, the individuals involved can only be referred to as MV, a 27-year-old woman approved by two doctors for medical assistance in dying ("MAID"), and WV, identified as MV's father.
The father, WV, expressed concerns about his daughter's vulnerability and her competence in deciding to end her own life. He argued that MV, who lives with him and has autism and ADHD but no other health issues, may not be capable of making such a decision.
Court documents revealed that MV did not contest her father's claims or provide details about her medical condition, symptoms, or suffering beyond being approved for MAID by two doctors.
MV asserted that her father had no authority to challenge her private medical decisions or the clinical judgment of her doctors. She argued that her decision to pursue MAID was personal, private, and not subject to court review, emphasizing her autonomy and right to die with dignity.
On February 1, 2024, MV was scheduled to receive MAID, but her father filed an injunction that was granted on January 31, 2024, by Justice Belzil, postponing the procedure.
Today, a Calgary judge, Justice Colin C.J. Feasby, ruled in favor of MV, saying, "I do not know you and I do not know why you seek MAID. Your reasons remain your own because I have respected your autonomy and your privacy. My decision recognizes your right to choose a medically assisted death."
Justice Feasby did issue a 30-day stay of his decision to allow WV to appeal to the Alberta Court of Appeal, maintaining the interim injunction for the next month.
This is sickening. So basically now we are just putting vulnerable individuals to death now in Canada. I think this is about as low as a society that we can go when we no longer value human life. Let's find out the names of the judge and the "medical" officials that would have had to sign off on this request. Trudeau and his Lieberals with the NDP have broken Canada. When you have a govt that no longer values human life, you have sunk to the lowest of the low.
I can’t believe that this is the conversation we are having now! I’m heartbroken that this young lady wants to die! Our government is treasonous and we don’t know how to stop it! 😢😢